This is a public archive of tweets which was completed on November 23, 2024.
Don't use Twitter. Want to see what I'm up to now? Follow me on one of my other social media channels.
This is more than likely my last post on this platform.
@ColeWuff I also have the worst memory to do small tasks like initiate conversations because of my ADHD. I am not intentionally forgetting, my mind is just dumb.
@TLagomars Woooooof~ handsome chee
@TocsInSocks @_royce All I see is cuties!
@lucthelab You’re pressing all of my butttons in the right way~~
@MazeTheLion I see you have something on the mind
@RaskerWolf @troy_the_dog27 I’ll bring the sweets and we can share 🥰
@RaskerWolf @troy_the_dog27 I see no problem with this
@lucthelab Cute puppy alert!
@badtlagowuff Agreed. Let me join ya
@TLagomars Jealous!! I want some!! Andes is so good!
@McNubbiesArt Woof so good~ 🫠🫠 now I want time with Tony
@VoltShep @RabbetFace @mixedcandy *clicks Buy it Now*
@Huka_the_Muka I’m 5’10” or ~178cm
@TLagomars Very very inviting!! looks perfect for cuddles. May I??
@TLagomars I do! Sounds tasty
@BearDogShutter Most of that sounds like a good time. Not too much traffic though ;)
@BearDogShutter What’s in Dallas huh 🤔
@TLagomars I hope he doesn't mind me staring
@IavanArt It’s 19 days! So very long. I’ve enjoyed the places we’ve gone! French Polynesia was crazy fun, and excited for New Zealand tomorrow!!
@badtlagowuff woof! I'll gladly help the cheewolf with any problems he has.
@FizzyBlueSoda Y'all should talk locally about making a sibling con. Here in TX we have Fiesta which is the big one, and Siesta which is smaller that is excellent. I wanna see regions with massive cons do more sibling cons so that the locals don't miss out.
@Kaynon220 I’m on my way!! Looks extra comfy
say it louder for the people in the back I’m actively looking to support smaller cons next year just to avoid this. I’ve been super stress free not worrying about the block this year because I never planned to go.
@TigWiesel @Roofur It's a spa day!
@RustySaberWuff I’ll gladly help you :)
@bstncublet That’s tonight! Moved stuff today
@BullHonkers Decoy will find it
@VincentOblivion @WildDogWorks @Valckan Adorable Jedi!
I appreciate all the well wishes and congratulations, I’m deep in the moving process right now and it’s keeping me going. Y’all are wonderful
@FlukeTheWolf Please do! Room for you and Kota!
@Tundru_DireWolf Oh no! Do it anyways
@TundyDarkFriend Unfortunately no, I had to cancel at the last minute. The only con still on my schedule for this year is PAWCon
@McNubbiesArt This is 🔥 love it
@NitroL3x I was trying for FE but it doesn’t fit in the schedule
@Kaynon220 Same here!!! Cuddles?! 👀
@Kaynon220 Yes I’m pumped!!!!
@StrykerWolf13 Nooo, the move to April destroys my schedule.
@everestdutchi I know I’m so sorry!! You’ll just have to come visit sometime
@McNubbiesArt I'll take it :)
@ClovisHyena It’s happening! We secured reg and hotel so that one is more confirmed than others
@Rollarwolfcub Second half of 2025 (past AC) hasn’t been thought about yet. What is LSFC? Is that the new one in Austin? Currently only Texas con I’m planning is TFS.
@zeke_the_folf I LOVED CFz this year, and do want to return. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to do multiple outside of North America conventions a year, and really wanted to attend FurDU.
I've started to look at my con schedule for 2025, and there are some important changes y'all might want to know: - Remove TFF - Remove FWA - Remove ANW - Remove CFz - Add FurDU - Add F2 - Add Furlandia This is not set in stone, but I hope to see ya at a con!
I'm not gonna yuck someone's yum, but the peer pressure in the fandom can be intense.
@badtlagowuff Good boy, I'll gladly come help clean up
@Kaynon220 On my way right now. All the cuddles for ya
@ranger_shep @ImpulsiveDog @Asherthedolf Always here to please good boys, and you two look like very good boys
@MazeTheLion Yes sir
@lucthelab Woah, cutie alert!
@Asherthedolf I think you're doing doing a great job for the shep
@RaskerWolf Absolutely! Especially from wolves
RT @colby_husky: 🚨 Scam Alert Update Again 🚨 The scammers are using the same telegram accounts but have changed their usernames again. T…
@BadBullBento I'll gladly help
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation Well I will gladly share with such a good shep! Let's dig in!
🐾 @GreyWah, Pyroslime, Cab 📸 @asplinduh
@ranger_shep @Crunchycurl I’m definitely gonna be testing that soon on ya~
@badtlagowuff Yes sir~ woof!
@TheChocoFox Make sure youre not falling for a scam. I saw something very similar to this on Discord where a friends account was hacked and they sent me a message saying they accidentially reported me.
@StripyRand Bark!
@RiggyFolf bark!
@CapriciouslyAz1 - Bark! vn friendbean - bean! - 5.5 - We haven't talked in a while, but still a friend - yes
@Fenrisfolf - Great suit and cool dude - bean - 5.5 - friend! - yes!
@Toxinthewolf - Remember that time we met on growlr and then didn't talk for like 2 years? - Caustic - 7.7349340234 - Friend who needs headpats and belly rubs - yes
@VincentOblivion - Husky Suit Brother! - currllll - 6.634590345 - A suit brother who I enjoy talking with! - Yup
@ColeWuff bark!
@Ghimno - Sweet and very cute bean - Bean! - 6.73845934 - A sweet bean I want to talk to more and hang out with at a con - Yes!
@MazeTheLion - AAAH oh my gosh you're such a sweetheart, and handsome too! - liondad! - 7.5 - Whenever you pop up on my tg I get waggy, glad we had some VRChat time too :) - yes!
@JakeHunterPup - Super sweet bean. - Jakey! - 7 - We need to hang out more because you're so cool! - Yes!
@TocsInSocks - A D O R A B L E, I can't handle just how cute you are - little one! - 8 - I'm so glad we've started talking more recently, you warm my heart :3 - Yes!
@Calmide_Bulf - Very handsome guy with a great suit, seems like an absolute sweetheart. - The bulf! - 4.5 - but this should increase imo - A cool dude that I enjoy seeing and hope to see you more! - Yes!
@Kaynon220 Aww thansk! I hope it goes up also! And I have posted on my profile :)
@Kaynon220 @TulusYeen @ranger_shep Bark!!
@Knoxxthelion 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐
@Kemono_Haru - HUSKY HUSKY HUSKY. BEST DOG BREED FITE ME. Also you're stupidly talented and I need to commission you more. - Don't have one 😅 - 3.5 - You're stupid talented and I obviously need to work with ya more. - yea!
@IavanArt - Adorable sona and puppy! - hmm - dont have one 😅 - 2 - Your art is great! I should work with ya sometime :) - yes!
@pup_bandit - pubbypubbypubbypubbypubbypubbypubbypubby - bandito - 8 - great friend who helps me when I need it, I hope I do the same for you. a MEANACE tho - yes
@Puppy_Ryleigh - Cool dude who's been around since the beginning - kitty! - 5.5 - Cool friend - yes
@Hanksource I’m gonna start flipping it on purpose
@CooperDaWah - Photograwah! - wahhhh - 5.5 - Photo buddy! - Yes
@AceWuffamute - Very sweet bean with a coooool mustache - Ace! - 6 - Friend who I get to see at local cons, but you're so far away! -yus
@Hanksource - CHEEEESE with cool techwear and a funny badge - hank! - 5.5 - Love seeing ya around, always fun when I hear my name coming from across the con floor hehehe - yeah!
@HipsterDawg @EctoDrool THEY'RE TASTY. ADMIT IT.
@phelixcainhurst - Oh yeah, that cool guy from folsom :) - football dog - 5 - You're a cool dude, see you again at folsom? - yee
@StrykerWolf13 - Amazing suit!! Very sweet - Red - 5.5 - We don't hang out often, but I always enjoy seeing ya and hearing from ya :) - Yes!
@Knoxxthelion - ROAR! Lion with no mane :P - Stinky bro - 7 - Friend who I would hang out with more if my schedule wasn't a mess. - yeeyyeye
@BDawgTheHusky - HUSKYHUSKYHUSKYHUSKYHUSKYHUSKYHUSKY and tall! - bean! - 8 - Hehe a good friend who I enjoy getting to hang out with :3 - Yus
@Cubordinate - Woof! Hot dog - Shep! - 8.5 - Fun friendo to hang out with :3 - def
@ranger_shep - Adorable bean with adorable suittt - pubby/sheppy - 7 - A friend I am very excited to hang out with next year :3 - You already did!
@HipsterDawg @EctoDrool And I’ll do it again!
I was told I need to do this MUTUALS!! Reply and I'll give you: - My first impression of you - Your nickname in my head - A closeness rating from 1-to-10 - What you are to me - If you should also post this
@Kemono_Haru Still love this a ton! Thank you so much 😊
@PaladinWulfie Counting is definitely been a big help. Don't want to talk numbers until I hit my goal, but I have made a ton of progress.
@MazeTheLion B-big lion 🦁
@lucthelab Hmmmmmm. Something doesn’t seem right here
@lucthelab Loving the singlet!! Good look! Overall
@Denwolf_ @Crush_Pup Cuties!!!
@KamiraaPawss Exactly this.
@BearDogShutter Not yucking anyone’s yum, but don’t assume I’m into your fetish just because I look like your ideal body type
@BlueNosedMutt Sooo cute! *boop*
okay i'm pretty fed up right now. my weight is not my choice, I didn't gain to my weight. I have to stay under <1000 net calories/day to lose weight. don't ask me how to gain. you do you, but all it does is make me feel like shit.
@TocsInSocks *boop*
🐾: @VincentOblivion ✂️: @WildDogWorks / @PyropeCostumes
@ranger_shep I’ll be looking down that’s for sure 😋
@ranger_shep Just a little guy!
@TLagomars Y-yeah I am small enough for that >\\\>
@TLagomars I’m not THAT short 😠
@ranger_shep I’ll take the puppy to-go thank you
@ranger_shep But it’s not slander! Looks like you!
@Alexisfoxxie Impossible. Source: am husky
@RaskerWolf Post counts have been broken all over the place. It’s so annoying. I always worry there is like a sect of furry bashers saying disgusting things in locked accounts. I wish twitter was more transparent about it
@flen_ham Yeah!
@donzthetiger Yus
@JukeFoxo Aww thanks
@RaskerWolf Gladly!
@RockySheperd So sweet 💕 thank you
@TocsInSocks Let me cuddle up and give all the belly rubs!!
@ranger_shep Hmm. 🤔 I’ll believe it when I see it
@FoxNobia 100000% this! All very true
@Kaynon220 Looking great :3
@ranger_shep I thought you weren’t short 👀
@TheZestiestBone This is adorable!! I love it
@PRS_RACCOON Woah! This is so good! The overalls look perfect
@sprinkle_dog I’ll definitely have to check this out when I visit!!
@TLagomars b-but what about huskies?
@AthyLion Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp
@ItsRokko @JaxieDoggo Adorable bean
@BlancMont_ @StarsandBites So handsome! Looking great!
@ToonersWuff ✂️ @WildDogWorks / @PyropeCostumes
@VincentOblivion @WildDogWorks @fizzucker @FluffyHusky88 @pikachufan337 Adorable! Thanks for the wonderful time cutie
@Pelastos @kigurumikagetsu Yo this suit is fire! Love the colors! Congratulations!
@Kalonderg @MadeFurYou @ZillionRoss mmmm cake, wanna share it?
@kojachusky Me me me me me! I'll give the best snuggles
@ranger_shep You'll get all the rubs little shep
@TLagomars Good boy~
@SkyscraperHusky I would totally look at it 👀
@TLagomars You would fit in at both, but I would say that Megaplex has slightly more diversity. I love both though a ton.
@TLagomars Both are excellent options. I will say that LVFC is more of a "party con", but has a super excellent feel. Megaplex is more typical but is spacious. Pools at both are A+++
@SozanRyker I did! Come here :3
@Kaynon220 Sounds like a plan to me! 💙
@Kaynon220 @coltofox I would gladly give you rubs for hours! Such a good boy :)
@LionBoyTank You’re too kind!!! Thank you ☺️
RT @Calmide_Bulf: Don't mind us! Just @colby_husky and I casually greeting each other with the traditional belly bump :P #TummyTuesday 📷:…
@Shep_Reese Woof! You fill it out nicely :)
@TLagomars Ugh that sucks :( losing a phone is never fun. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long on Wednesday
@TLagomars nooooo that sucks! Hopefully not too broken, and warranty to cover it
@GreyWah @Static68970332 @CaptDorkSlayer @Yukon_Wolf Such an awesome time! Thanks for being an awesome roomie
@Kaynon220 Yo happy birthday!!!!
@LionBoyTank Fierce!!!
Hot dads in your area
@pup_brisket_AD @BuckysBullBalls @Ursso_ Sounds like teamwork
@pup_brisket_AD @BuckysBullBalls @Ursso_ I wanna tap in for the next round
@TLagomars You’re gonna take someone’s eye out with that beast! 😂
@TLagomars You’re too big for it hahaha
@DogTibbs It was a wonderful time!
I'll be at Megaplex this weekend! Come find me and say hello! #Megaplex2024 DO: ✅ Come say hi! ✅ Ask for a photo (if I am in camera mode!) ✅ Ask for a hug! ✅ Ask to give belly rubs! DO NOT: ❌ Sneak up on me ❌ Touch me without asking ❌ Follow me around the con
@StreamArcaDad Woof thank you! So are you big guy 💙
@MysteryPaws @NekoHaiku When am I giving you some
@wuskythehusky 😘
@donzthetiger Woof thank ya
@FlukeTheWolf I can’t wait!
@inorin333 Happy Birthday!
@ColeWuff Not furry enough. Got some work to do ;)
@Yeenpits Such a good puppy! looking great~
@Hanksource *zooms in on badge* it's still backwards
@tritscrits Goodness of boy!
@NitroL3x @KibaRinWolf @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes But all I have is dog treats and puppy kisses
@HipsterDawg Wag!! These look awesome!
@FlukeTheWolf You’re definitely running into this dog. 🐶 can’t wait for a big cuddle session with ya!
@RaskerWolf Dog food and treats. It’s all that ever is on the mind.
@EctoDrool I’ll take a slot!
@lucthelab Gosh so cute >\\\\\<
@badtlagowuff Very thick, looking handsome chee
@pup_brisket_AD Bros help bros~
@MazeTheLion I’d bark! Cause I’m a dog 🐶
@bubtheboar Woof~ thick boar
And you have a @LatchFox and @Indycoone photobombing heheh
RT @ranger_shep: B E L L Y R U…
@Cliff_747 @JawsNpawsUK @KafesCoffeeCat I hope you do too!! Happy Friday!
@Furry_the_Jake Woah looks comfy! Can I join??
@TLagomars That’s awesome! How’s the battery life? Does it have its own cellular connection?
@Furry_the_Jake Those look delicious! I want one!!
@Furry_the_Jake Dang! Hmmm. Just time to cause chaos in suit then
@Kaynon220 @coltofox It can’t be contained! Looking great!
@Furry_the_Jake Cuddling with me :3
@AthyLion Oh my! Dangerous! Still cute tho
@lucthelab Adorable!! Looks great on ya
@BranDogie @musubun Woof!! Looks very comfy! Let’s go it
@BDawgTheHusky I’ll get out the puppy cologne and give you rubs
@BDawgTheHusky I bet you shook everywhere! Now we have all this wet dog smell to deal with
@BearDogShutter @Yukon_Wolf @Sherwin_Fawn Yes! I absolutely love it 🥰
@cinnamontail Siesta is gonna be such a blast!
@Furry_the_Jake Car snack!
@NitroL3x @ColeWuff *bites* I don’t listen to puppies, no matter how cute they are
@ColeWuff That’s what you get for bringing Dino nuggies! You should know they’re my favorite
@NitroL3x @ColeWuff Grrr, I’ll show you
@badtlagowuff Handsome! Would love to come over and help take photos sometime :3
@CormackWolf Well the sweet wolf would never lead me into trouble! Let’s go!
@CormackWolf Of course! Where we going?
@Takiwuff @StripeyYena Let’s go to the park! We can run around and play! I’ll even bring a ball!
@Furry_the_Jake Peak cuddlable form for sure
@glitchfur Recent KDE has really grown up. I’ve been enjoying it, and I was a diehard gnome fan
@ItsHarryHusky Would gladly join you for some comfy snuggles :)
@polycereal Hahah it was definitely a posed shot! It’s acrobatic
@glitchfur @SheriffRaccoon Yes please! Gosh you're such a cutie :3
@Furry_the_Jake But I have snacks and cuddles!
@Furry_the_Jake Can we share? :3
@BartonTheFox @AndromedusWolf Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@Cliff_747 Hehe I’m having a wonderful Tuesday! I hope your week is going well :3
@LionBoyTank Doin it fantastic! ✨
@namrepus221 Rep damage is the worst. I don't blame the hotel in this situation.
@namrepus221 Yeah that's 100% unacceptable. Attendees should have been banned from the convention if they weren't. Also con should have insurance for such situations.
@namrepus221 That sounds like poor con management then. Crowd control is mostly on the con to do, should be nearly 0 tolerance for attendee caused damage. side note to the world: If you put stickers on hotel property.... don't.
@namrepus221 Still pulls from available capacity + negotiating power. MFF doesn't have a connection to Hilton properties nearby, and Hilton has no reason to come to the table if they know they can sell those hotels at a premium YoY. (note, still not judging, just stating the impact)
@namrepus221 I'm very confused by this entire statement. If that particular convention negotiated a bad contract, that's on them. I have not nearly enough context here though.
@namrepus221 I very much so understand how hotel contracts work. The cons bargaining power for space in the hotel (hotel block and ballroom space) is directly driven by ability for the cons ability to sell rooms in block. You actively harm the cons position with the hotel buying out of bloc
@PureHeartBat2 I don't think these notes move the posts on FCFC vs Lottery in any way. Timing problems can exist with both systems, I just generally find the problem is compounded by lottery.
@namrepus221 I am gonna say this 100% not judging you for doing this: This is how we end up paying exorbitant amounts for rooms, and instead of that going towards helping the con, all it helps is the hotel. Why would the hotel give the con the room at a discount if they can charge a premium
@namrepus221 Also very intersted in how you're booking 3+ rooms in a lottery system. The chances of that are nearly 0. At least there is some possibility in FCFS.
@namrepus221 Scalping is not (yet) an issue with furry cons. I do see this changing as popularity grows. Require valid reg with room reservation. 1 reservation per reg. 1 reg per person. If you have friends staying in the room, attach rooms to those registrations.
@BlueKewne You're wanting to shift your chances to a (hopefully) random system. I have always had at least one person in my party able to attend FCFS opening for every desired con. Not everyone is free, but someone is.
@PureHeartBat2 Twitter length restrictions suck! Refundable hotels is nice, but flights generally are not. Also my problem is on the other side, what if you need advance notice for PTO that is before the block opens?
@BlueKewne You're not guaranteed a room with lottery, it just pushes when you know if you have a room or not. I think everyone prefers having an in-block room :)
@BlueKewne I've never spent more than 15 min booking a FCFS room during its opening time. You do have to have someone available, but I regularly fill my rooms to capacity, and that is more to try FCFS. Also my personal success rate with FCFS is nearly 100% (no bots, just a human)
@johnwallaby I love this tweet. You've hit it dead on.
@BlueKewne That's lucky! Glad you were able to win the con and get the hotel to change the room type. Both things requiring chance. At least with FCFS I don't have to deal with the stress through multiple rounds if unlucky. I know instantly.
Opinion update based on discussion. - Lotteries WITH ranked choice aren't terrible. (MFF is cool) - Capacity is the core problem, which is not solvable for most cons. - We need more con variety, more options than the top cons. Mid size cons are where it's at.
@BlueKewne Lotteries do not solve the FCFS rush problem, it just delays it to when the draw is done. Probably a better solution is Lottery with ranked choice, but most systems (outside of MFF) do not use this.
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy I'm genuinely interested in what airline you're flying with that offers full refund to original form of purchase. Yes they will give you flight credit, but that may not be good for someone who can only afford to go to 1-2 cons a year.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote Since this is a deep thread and it's been a good back and forth, just wanted to say you're cool and thanks for the discussion (so far if we want to keep going!)
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy Just wanted to say also you're a cool fuzzball and I appreciate the discussion. All good vibes. :)
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy I disagree that lotteries give an equal opportunity to get a room. It simply shifts the burden to when the lottery is drawn. Lottery systems also usually delay know if you have a room, which sucks if you need a long time to put in PTO. I have a friend that needs 3+ months
@namrepus221 That's called fraud, and those rooms should be cancelled. FCFS can allow for requirements like registration to be completed in advance. AFAIK there isn't a major reselling/scalping issue with rooms at furry cons.
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy This feels like an end point. Schedules suck, but I usually have a full room party planned before the block even opens. Everyone available attempts to get a room. Lottery systems (excl MFF cause I think they use ranked choice) just change when the rush is to when the draw occurs
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote I never said that FCFS was equitable. I simply said it was no better than lottery systems. FCFS definitely does NOT solve the core issue, which is cons being oversized for their spaces. But that's also nearly impossible for most cons to fix also.
@namrepus221 I'm not saying there is a good solution :) It's an impossible task to please everyone, but (in my opinion) I believe that FCFS is better than Lottery. That is my solution. Does it fix every problem? Nope. Running cons is hard! I've been there/done that.
@namrepus221 I'm also allowed to criticize the spending of the convention if I attend it. Free speech. I'm saying cons shouldn't waste money on systems that don't add the value they promise. Not opposed to spending money for the betterment of the con, but when every cent matters.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote I've consistently attended every FCFS con that I've wanted to go to for the past few years. Had no problem booking AC with it's queue system.
@namrepus221 Your tone seems very accusatory. Are you sure that's how ConCat is being sold? And I'm absolutely allowed to have an opinion on how a 501c3 spends its money. That's like, the whole thing. My registration is a donation to the convention. All major cons are (correctly) a 501c3.
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy Because twitter sucks (top 6 largest cons as per wikifur is how this list was generated)
@thehypercoyote @HemlockFoxy Try traveling internationally with 2 months notice. Also i'm not just picking random things here. - AC (FCFS) - MFF (Lottery) - FWA (FCFS) - Fiesta (FCFS) - FC (Lottery) - Megaplex (FCFS) Even if MFFs system is better than FCs, it's still the data I have.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote I'm lucky to be in the US. Imagine _hoping_ you get a room if traveling internationally because you're waiting for the con to test their lottery, then wait weeks to know once the lottery does open.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote Lottery systems still delay action for people who are unlucky. Sorry, I don't like to gamble with my vacations. I would rather know MONTHS in advance if I got it or not. If I miss- I can go to another con.
@PureHeartBat2 I would rather be in a position where you knew if you had to do that more than a few months before con. MFF, FC, and BLFC all have opened ~1-2 months from their con date. That's impossible to plan for a working adult.
@Tundru_DireWolf But you do still have to fight for desirable room types in systems where the type is treated equally.
@namrepus221 FC and BLFC are using ConCat. A paid product and the hoteling lottery feature I'm sure is a paid addon. MFF developed their system in house, using engineering volunteer time (which still has value/money attached to it)
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote This is not how FC's system worked this year.
There are some deep comment threads here, so make sure to read it all! TBH I think we're having really positive discussion about what is a hard part of large cons. Good debate! No beef with anyone participating, y'all cool. Thanks for entertaining my opinion.
@Tundru_DireWolf Doesn't eliminate these problems in systems like FC where there are rooms blocks away from con space.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote Sure - you can get a room... far away if you wait. I might be slightly wrong, I think that MFF does do ranked opinion (i haven't been to MFF in years), but systems like FCs are completely FCFS once you have a ticket.
@namrepus221 The solution is to not build lottery systems that waste the nonprofits money. That money can go elsewhere. This is a problem that doesn't go away, but a lottery doesn't fix it. The ONLY way to make everyone happy is to have more rooms, which is impossible.
@HemlockFoxy @thehypercoyote Lotteries DO NOT eliminate the rush if you need a specific room type or (for example MFF) don't want to be on a shuttle every day to the con or need to fit 3 roommates in a room. ALL room types are treated equal in a lottery, so you still need to rush if picked.
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 The problem is what to do? Even if they had 100% coverage its not enough, and most major convention centers dont have attached hotels. I never said this is a fixable problem, but lotteries DO NOT make this flat LACK of capacity go away, it just delays people being able to plan.
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 I never said add capacity was possible, but it IS the only solution. Most cons are WAY over capacity and it causes contention. Most big cons are operating at 1 room to 10 attendees ratio if they had 100% coverage of their main hotel(s). this is obviously insane.
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 Because all room types are treated equal. And at particularly large cons, that includes terrible rooms. These massive cons have room blocks that can only support <50% of their attendees, that means that 50% of people have to wait for MULTIPLE weeks to know if they have a room
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 > Lotto systems give everyone who wants to one (not just people who can take off work) an opportunity to enter and an equal chance at a room. This is false. only a select random set of people get a chance, and its still a rush to get the room type you need if you do get picked
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 - booking emails late - emails are evil and should not be used. Put the link on the site/tg/discord/twitter/etc. - Work - you have two 15m mandatory breaks per day for a full time workday required by US law.
@CloudyObsession @bluegold1026 All of the problems you listed with FCFS, are not a problem with FCFS itself, but technical issues. - ISP issues - Not in the control of the convention, also people release rooms after block.
@Cliff_747 Wooooooof! Very handsome dog there! Glad you posted :3
@IavanArt It's absolutely absurd that blocks for major cons are opening barely before the event. People need time to plan these things. I have already booked everything through the end of this year except for BLFC.
@IAmKat_95 The easiest thing to do is not spend time driving a wedge between attendees and con by introducing a complex lottery system.
@IAmKat_95 That can’t be externally validated unless they share the source code. And even then let’s say it is random and you do get drawn, then it’s a rush to get your preferred room type. (Ex you need double queen, but there is no difference in the lottery between double queen and king)
@badtlagowuff That really sucks :( no fun at all
@bluegold1026 The only solution is increase capacity, most big cons are oversized for their block. This is a very new issue, cons experiencing 50% YoY growth is unprecedented. Lotteries are just extra work
@JaggerWolverine The only thing that fixes the problem is adding capacity. All I am saying with this post is lotteries are a fallacy of improvement, and engineering a solution that doesn’t solve a problem is stupid. Just rip the bandaid off and let people make alternative plans.
@bluegold1026 This is still a problem even if AC went lottery. It just delays when this happens to when the draw occurs.
@JaggerWolverine No reasonable hotel would release their entire capacity into block. Lotteries do not solve people being slow, it just delays the rush. My answer: I’m gonna stop going to big cons. The demand is too high and they’re trying to shove way too many people into one or two hotels.
@JaggerWolverine This is TERRIBLE for the convention as it completely destroys their buying power for block. “Why would I give you rooms in block at a discounted rate when I know I can completely sell out at above normal rates because of demand”
@bluegold1026 It’s a trading of pros and cons. Neither is “more fair” At least with FCFS the power is in my hands, vs random chance.
@JaggerWolverine Rooms selling out in 3 min is just a lack of rooms. A lottery doesn’t just magically fix that. There is no difference in capacity available. Technical issues can be solved with a well ran platforms.
@JaggerWolverine Let’s take FC for example. There are two very good hotels, and hotels that are several blocks away. They’re all treated the same in block. So if you “win” the lottery you don’t necessarily get a room in a desirable location.
To: all furry conventions From: me Stop doing lotteries. They’re not more fair. They don’t eliminate the rush. Especially if you have less than desirable rooms in block.
@MazeTheLion Awrrrrrr >\\\\<
@MazeTheLion Dangerous! It's a trap! I'm falling for it.
@prawnzo_ I know those sprinkles, i hope the cavities are worth it with how sweet Duncan is!
@Denwolf_ @NocturnzGay @Knoxer_Wolf Should have been empty, so then you’d have none to give!
@lucthelab Such a cutie! :3
@dogbro69 Look at that handsome guy. Love the fuzz
@BearDogShutter Definitely need cuddles. Please help
@DadskerAD It's unfair that this booty is not available in person right now. grrrr
@ranger_shep You deserve this attention for sure
@CormackWolf Big wolf coming in to take all the food
@Pengo_the_otter I can't believe you're staying there, whoever named that town must be an idiot!
@ranger_shep @Charmis_fox This isn’t news silly! Everyone knows you’re puppy!
@Cliff_747 Handsome dog! Let me help with those rubs
@StripyRand @HaulWolf Looking cute 🥰
@badtlagowuff Invite me over when I’m in town ;)
@BDawgTheHusky @linglingfennec Beautiful shot puppy! You’re such a good boy
@Furry_the_Jake @BlueFurryBerry That’s super cute!! Looking good on ya :) blue dogs are the best!
@Asherthedolf @ranger_shep All the rubs! Give rubs to get rubs right?
@DeikuPanda @Revernance Happy birthday!!!
@ranger_shep Both! Definitely both!
@Melvis_Barksy Aww thanks! Yeah AC is super busy! Glad I was able to help with your photo with bandit at least :)
✂️ @wilddogworks | @PyropeCostumes
@BDawgTheHusky @thunderpupshep Major jelly. Two adorable puppies
@JhuskyDuh I specifically had items in mind going into Prime Day that I was expecting to go down based on its price history on camelcamelcamel. outside of that though its mainly trash haha
@ranger_shep @Asherthedolf *tacklesnugs*
@RyattAWD It's so hard! The fandom is so big! Don't let it get ya down. It's always a pleasure running into ya.
@Hanksource It’s EZ.
@TybaricTiger Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
@CormackWolf They look extra handsome on you~
🚨 Scam Alert Update Again 🚨 The scammers are using the same telegram accounts but have changed their usernames again. The following telegram accounts are NOT me: dhuskycolby, colbyhussky.
@MysteryPaws @ranger_shep Don’t worry! Will be used with care
@ranger_shep I’ll give you belly rubs if you give me belly rubs. Ya know. For videos
@Hanksource @KibaRinWolf I got my eyes on you. 👀
@Guineh2 @Yukon_Wolf Hahah I can see how you think this! It’s a lot!
@Hanksource @KibaRinWolf Looking in a mirror?
@TundyDarkFriend @Yukon_Wolf Don’t want to give an exact number yet, but let’s just say it breaks the mold on ratings for XL cons
@Rike_Lion @Yukon_Wolf It's the best way tbh. I saw so many tier lists at the end of year last year that all had MFF at the top, and that's just... not true. Wanted to provide some context to my opinion and capture data without recency bias.
Them: I liked this con over that con, and here are the 1 or 2 reasons why. Us: @yukon_wolf and I are ranking every con we go to against a battery of topics with 22 dimensions ranked based on importance. I'm wondering if I should do a mid-year summary or keep it for EoY.
@ranger_shep Big puppy energy, in a small puppy body
@EctoDrool They go so fast :s
@SheriffRaccoon we 100% need to reclaim the acronym DHC for Dave's Hot Chicken. much better use for it.
@GreyWah Woo Aphantasia crowd! We don’t need no stinkin mental imagery
@bluegold1026 @scorchums @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes This is no secret though! @scorchums is an ultra cutie
@EclipseStalvok @WildDogWorks hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is bowser dad.... yes
@MazeTheLion @WildDogWorks It's extremely soft! Come find out :)
@BradHound @WildDogWorks :)
@EclipseStalvok @WildDogWorks oop! don't worry, the dad is in another castle.
@Meekrat45 @WildDogWorks thanksies
@DrachieChubDrag @WildDogWorks its very soft!
@CheeseCakeCatCC @WildDogWorks thanks :)
@Cubordinate @WildDogWorks yay!
@LordZafira @Westin Yeah they only take a pre-authorization. It allows them to hold a tab open in case you charge anything to the room.
@LordZafira @Westin I think they were able to check in, but when they went to finalize it, it declined.
@KimmerzWuff They’re more than likely scammers. :( I’ve been dealing with some impersonating me
@TybaricTiger @Yukon_Wolf Something was gonna get set on fire.
@Shep_atNight Absolutely not. This is why
@Shoujax1 @Yukon_Wolf too late. >:3
@DeanOfHumans @Yukon_Wolf >:3
@DeanOfHumans @Yukon_Wolf dont worry about it.
@TLagomars Having a good group to rely on/room with helps.
@TLagomars It’s a great time. Chee would fit in quite well
@doge_inator @anthrocon @DuckyDalmatian @BigThunderpup @SilySox @BDawgTheHusky @TheWolfSerge @incogthedeer @LatchFox Thanks! I was running around with my Canon R6 Mark II with the RF 24-70 f/2.8 L!
@iamwolfsushiowo @Westin I had no way to know until I was almost paying! They never asked me my name.
@DecoyWolff @Westin My biggest problem was the lack of hospitality. I understand this is a situation that the hotel hates, but some extra diligence and care would have really stood out to me. Instead I felt like a criminal
@GreyWah @Westin They never validated my room or name, until I was trying to show them the authorization on my card.
@GreyWah @Westin I mean if you count a 50$ credit, but I was seconds away from paying for someone else’s room. Literally credit card out.
Ugh. Was sleeping peacefully in my room, knock at the door. @Westin staff accusing me of not paying, trying to check out via the phone, and generally being rude like I had done something wrong, The actual problem: they went to the wrong room.
@prawnzo_ @ChaparralCoyote You sona would look great as a suit! Do it!
@BDawgTheHusky @NotchRhino @firewuff No swimming in the river!
@BDawgTheHusky @NotchRhino @firewuff DONT YOU DARE
@Kudenfox No! Bad!
@BDawgTheHusky You deserve the spotlight :)
And me too! Hehe
@Corbick I’m glad I did it… so I can say I did it and never do it again lol
I did it. I died
@pup_brisket_AD Next time in my maw~
Fun fact I’ve never actually been in a family shoot. I’ve taken several but never had the opportunity. Today was that day and I blew it
@Shoujax1 I would never ask that of people that actually know what they’re doing.
@wtchyrlanguage Fuck off
Fuck I’m really upset. Missed my family shoot because I can’t fucking plan. It’s the only thing I really wanted to do at AC
@TheScubaPup Come relax!
@BuckleyDeer Gotta find me then! Sniff me out!
@BuckleyDeer Hiding!
@forgifuzzbutt @ShadowFox__1998 They didn’t use mine lol
@ShadowFox__1998 @forgifuzzbutt Not quite. It has to be supported by whatever ticketing software they’re using. Also it’s completely useless in reg, I just add it to keep in my expired passes lol
I’m in the captains seat. Good luck everyone else
@DogTibbs DOGS IN THE AIR. We’re flying the plane now.
@pupcoda_tx @PupLoganTX Cute puppies!!!!
@DonovanRottie It’s… so… annoying.
@Zryderace Yeah I’m trying to ruin their ability to scam. I wish @telegram would read their official report impersonation chat.
@ranger_shep The McDonald’s is all just nuggets.
@GreyWah @WildDogWorks Big hype!! So cute
RT @GreyWah: ITS OFFICIAL, SILAS IS HEREEEEE Thank you to my friends and lovely girlfriend who came to watch me unbox him 🥰🥰🥰 🪡: @WildDogW…
@BadWox Yeah also not me
@theinnocentf0x @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes I am a CLEAN husky. No musky
@BearDogShutter @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes I have no doubt, see you next weekend! :3
@badtlagowuff 👀👀👀👀👀🍆
🚨🚨 Scam Alert Update🚨🚨 The scammers have changed their usernames! They are now using colbyhuskyy and huskycolby. Reminder: These are NOT me, and they are actively attempting to scam you and take your money. Block them immediately.
@TLagomars We need the both option here.
@Knoxxthelion Apply to jobs with chicken fingers. Problem solved.
@Guineh2 Yup, and the most convenient. wake up to a full charge every morning.
This boy does amazing work. I love the ref I have for Colby. Go enter!
@SliptheCabbit Let's hope it comes through, congrats!
@Guineh2 lol dog that guy is dumb. Yes except for like very old Model S and X vehicles that had a lifetime free charging license. It's been pay to charge at super chargers for years. There are some free Level 2 chargers out there, but most are paid. Also charge at home is the best :3
🚨 Active Scam Alert🚨 I've received many reports of people being targeted by scammers using my information and photos. Please be careful, my telegram and socials are listed on . The following telegram accounts are NOT me: colbythehusky, colbydhusky
@aiepsilon2002 oh no I'm so sorry :( I wish I had a way to stop them
I always love those special moments with @Yukon_Wolf 💙
@ssillylynxxcatt Sorry :(
@TigWiesel @McNubbiesArt Thanks! You too!!
@RiggyFolf @RaffyRaven @WildDogWorks And he’s gotten into trouble already. 😉
@TheScubaPup MSG definitely causes my 621 to enhance.
@pupcoda_tx All the tummy rubs
@Pengo_the_otter I have tried DxO, On1, Darktable, and others. I'm sorry but nothing beats the workflow of Lightroom Classic. I really am trying, but everything feels like garbage in comparison
@NitroL3x Always such a cute dog~ I’m gonna give you all the belly rubs
@MaxiWolfDog You’ve got this!! I believe in you 💙
@Jambeshino @NitroL3x Great! Now for many more :3
@RockySheperd @PyropeCostumes @WildDogWorks Working towards a downward dog
@BlueNosedMutt Make sure to get a good look. I can also move you into my hands on class
@BlueNosedMutt @PyropeCostumes @WildDogWorks Thanks! It's very good for you! I can show you some good stretches :)
@LionBoyTank Yo I would totally be down dude
@TLagomars On my way!
@DrakeMagick Thanks for pointing it out, ugh.
@ColewuffAD Seems like very good treatment for ya~
@KoidelCoyote I’ll never run out!
@pupcoda_tx Absolutely cutie~ come here!
@TLagomars Gotta keep trying!
@TLagomars It’s very rude! TF immediately! Hehe
@HipsterDawg You gotta do it at times! Hope it helps.
@Indigomu Happy birthday! Looks great!!
@ranger_shep @Asherthedolf I believe in you 😏
@TigWiesel @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Yes please! Friends make naps more comfy
@MysteryPaws Lazy, tongue out, relaxed. The best
@ranger_shep @Asherthedolf You can take it~ now be a good boy and you’ll get all the pets
@BiffTheMoose @PrimalSuits I love him so much! Gotta get you over for some photos of him!
Coming back. I feel a ton better but I have some limits for myself: - left a ton of tg groups. - my telegram is no longer open, please DM on twitter/bsky. - please don’t say you miss me/we never hang out, I appreciate the sentiment but it causes a ton of stress. Thanks!
@TLagomars I’m thinking I’m very close to this mode, no new conversations on telegram. Seems… simpler
I’m pretty completely socially burnt out right now. So I’m gonna step away, hopefully for no longer than a week. I’ll be pausing social media notifications and will be ignoring telegram messages other than from a couple key people. Thanks for your patience.
@KibaRinWolf @FurryInvasion Woah!! Congratulations!
My favorite con @BiggestLittleFC just opened reg, easy super sponsor. Excited to be there in October!
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation This is why you have multiple tennis balls :3 go fetch!
@BaileyxArt Definitely :)
@DogTibbs I bet I know who~
@Takiwuff @StripeyYena @Sasa_Creations @TraxGSD Cuties like you definitely need to be kept on a leash, or you will run off! Great looking harness too!
@TybaricTiger Thanks 😊
Airport lounge shower? Always a game changer. Now I feel ready for this flight
And we’re back in without even seeing a fire truck. Tomorrow is gonna suuuuuck
If this isn’t a real fire at confuzzled, this American who has 16 hours of travel tomorrow is actively hating whoever has me awake right now
@TybaricTiger @SnepcubSakai @FursuitsByLacy On my way!
@BaileyxArt Yes! That's awesome. And definitely, the US needs your presence.
@GreyWah Taped Wah!!!
@Tundru_DireWolf Very squeaky
@badtlagowuff Trust me I don’t have a high sex drive. I love being able to see my bf have fun. This is your space! If people don’t like it, they can leave :P
@Bluehasia The nifty 50 should be in everyone's kit. It's stupid good.
@ColeWuff *blushes* yayayayaya
@DogTibbs @Hanksource active doggo/roo energy causes flipped badges for sure.
@BrisketBull @RustySaberWuff you know it~
@TheZestiestBone @Charlie__Dark I’m okay with this fit
@CormackWolf It’s so weird! They ended up putting no normal power on the wall with the beds. Luckily we have power strips and stuff, partner uses a CPAP so it’s not just an inconvenience :( Got it working though!
@PaintTheRottie @MysteryPaws Join us.
@HariyamArt It definitely helps to try one, but just so you know every fursuit is different and is pretty sized to the person, so worry less about fit and more about “do I enjoy this”
Don’t listen to this. Wearing a fursuit for the first time just means your wallet will be lighter very fast! Good for the back
@BaileyxArt Can’t wait to run into ya!
@badtlagowuff They’re boring anyways, like get to know ya first right? They missed out, you’re a cool dood
@DecoyWolff I’m using the Shure MV7, best mic for streaming/podcasting
@KibaRinWolf Dang! That’s nice
This may seem like a weird thing to moan about, but I upload photos from cons all the times at hotels, and one of the biggest blockers to my delivery is WiFi
@TybaricTiger cool blow job~
@KryptonSvingar What did ya get?
@KryptonSvingar Ooh this guy! Served me well :)
@badtlagowuff Good! I love a muzzle full
@badtlagowuff On my way!
@TheeBowZ I'm super happy with how it looks! it's not _official_, but the maker I got it from had a ton of colors. and thanks!
@MysteryPaws You’re at the front.
@MysteryPaws Big and strong! All the rubs!
RT @ToonersWuff: FWA 2024!! 🎉🎉 Old school style convention video for those who remember watching these lurking into the fandom. ☺️💙💚 Than…
@GreyWah Leaf. Definitely munching on leaves all the time
@Pengo_the_otter Yeah!! Yall were busy!! Hope you had a good time
@TigWiesel @MaxiWolfDog Agreed!! Next time
If we didn’t get to say hi I’m sorry! This con was overwhelmingly busy. Don’t take it personally 🤗
@TybaricTiger Yesss!
@MaxiWolfDog Bet. Let’s see it big dog
@Axel_Boofer @MaxiWolfDog But they deserved it! Look at em!
@TybaricTiger @MaxiWolfDog This is an absolute shame.
@ArciOfficial @MaxiWolfDog Very true
When there is a line for @clear, who’s supposed to help you skip the line. Your value prop is disappearing fast.
@PlutoRockDog To be honest, yeah. Not judging your skill or quality, but it’s in a public con space. FWA has signage outside of approved dances/raves warning people of sensory issues. Not only are you hurting people with those needs, you’re making it even harder to be social in a public space.
@Weasul14 @IavanArt That's called a room party, not in the middle of public con spaces and certainly not in an elevator.
@TLagomars FYI some of the questions are fakes put in my NGL! This is why I stopped using it
@Weasul14 Shouldn’t have to, is common courtesy, especially in elevators.
@LionBoyTank The biggest thing we’re gonna have to learn is con reg for under 200 for the weekend is bonkers. No other convention does that. The con needs funds to hire staff and secure space.
If you’re one of those people that blares music in hallways/elevators/ etc at cons… just fucking stop. Nobody wants to listen to your shitty music or Mesothelioma ad. It’s fucking annoying and frustrating ad hell
@LionBoyTank Dude we better hang out at AC, you’re too cool and you’re missed
RT @figgystarship: Repeat after me: "Hey, I'd love to see you at the con but no worries if we miss each other!" "Great to see you! To rem…
@FlukeTheWolf I am so pumped!! I’ll see ya there
@sprinkle_dog You’re gonna love The Hub at Peachtree, it’s a food court connected via Skybridge. Tons of good options.
@TLagomars Yay run! Hope your mood improves :) it’s never fun
Maybe... don't post one of my photos if you're... not in the photo or in any way involved in the photo. It just engagement bait and I'm not here for it.
@KimoWuffAD @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Wooooo!!!
@StrayDaddyCrow You’re gonna be missed!
@HipsterDawg @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep @WildDogWorks @PopUpLockers Big boys bullying a small shep. Seems right 🤣
@TLagomars All the pets for ya!
@TybaricTiger @SnepcubSakai @FursuitsByLacy It’s impossible to stay focused! Can’t wait for a big hug from ya!
@Corbick @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Woo! I get in late Thursday but have Friday off!
@BDawgTheHusky @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Aaaah of course! I miss ya lots!
@TigWiesel @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes I definitely want to see ya!!! 🤗
@FlukeTheWolf @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes I MISS YOU SO MUCH I CANT WAIT
@TybaricTiger Yay!! I’m excited!
@RustySaberWuff Look at this handsome wuff!!
@SkyscraperHusky I’ll boop ya!
@GreyWah *hugs* hoping for the best
@BriskyCoyote Let’s wrestle!
New York: ✅️ LA: ✅️ Chicago: ✅️ Dallas: ✅️ Houston: ✅️ Atlanta: ✅️ DC:❌ Philadelphia: ✅️ Miami: ✅️ Phoenix: ✅️ Boston: ✅️ San Francisco:✅ Detroit:❌ Seattle:✅ Minneapolis:❌ Tampa:❌ San Diego:✅ Denver: ✅️ Baltimore:❌️ Not too bad!
You know what sucks? Lottery based systems.
@MazeTheLion You sure are handsome! The evil part tho, unsure
@TLagomars And handsome ;)
@MazeTheLion @polycereal 🤣 You're gonna break poor Poly
@MazeTheLion Woooof~ Look who's talking handsome
@DisasterYeen You need your shots
✂️ @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes
@DustDutchie Yay!! Glad you got them!!
@AuraCabbit I hang mine on the wetsuit hanger everyone has and point my rotary blower fan at the legs
@Tundru_DireWolf I feel this, mine looks to be in a similar state
@Calmide_Bulf I’ll have to check some of this out!
@Bluehasia This is the first I’m hearing about this, where was this information posted/did you have to sign something?
@TLagomars Glad to help~
@techni_cal ;)
@AlphaBorc Been vibing with them a lot lately
@BDawgTheHusky Congrats! You’ve earned it
@KalTorathen Woof thank ya!
@ranger_shep Exactly that. Print onto Vinyl, the apply a matte or glossy waterproof layer
@Tundru_DireWolf With a cutie like you? Definitely
@RhemsShep @Denwolf_ Adorable couple 🥰
@TheScubaPup Totes! Looks awesome!
@ColeWuff Just a troll. Hit me up also
@GreyWah Yay!! Good pick me up!
@TigWiesel Thanks!!!! :3
@StrayDaddyCrow Thank you!! 😊
@ranger_shep Sure when you stop being so cute 🥰
@ranger_shep You’re gonna break FurDU with all that adorableness
@AperturesValue @SheriffRaccoon Jealous!
@SkyscraperHusky Adorable!!
@BDawgTheHusky @NotchRhino Accurate
@SkyscraperHusky I hate when this happens! Also twitters refresh Will push tweets away I was looking at
@DiddyDooArt Yo I totally want this. DMing you
@BaileyxArt Cumguzzled is definitely the best
@Slash_Sabercat @dethbox Just gotta keep trying till you get what you want~
@StripyRand @Kori_Karma Yeah! I’ll get the popcorn! Mind if I cuddle in close?
@Slash_Sabercat @dethbox Looks like you’re gonna pounce!!
@Yeenpits Let’s do it! Sounds great to me
@cinnamontail @Skyy_Husky Well you’re gonna get all the attention being that cute 👀
@Takiwuff Cuddles sound perfect!
@ranger_shep @reddemon2333 He is ADORABLE! Looking great!
@BurrblesBear Yo happy birthday!!
@Keesh___ It’s so good!!! Thank you so much
@MysteryPaws @RiverwolfVulcan Love the tummy! Would give you all the rubs
@Takiwuff Yeah! Let’s run around the yard and play!
@DoppioAmore @DogTibbs Make me
@DoppioAmore @DogTibbs Cause dogs are cute
@sprinkle_dog Seems I’m going to Dunkin more often. No better mascot! :)
@DoppioAmore Definitely seems to be the popular opinion.
@bluegold1026 It wasn’t the worst, but if you’re a light sleeper it might have sucked. Friday and Saturday we were out mainly past when they were playing
@Kudenfox No
Decided there are too many photographers in the fandom. Gonna be selling all my camera gear. Sorry 😢
I’m thinking about spinning up a new sona to run alongside Colby. Need some help on species. Tell me what you think. Also interested in other ideas in the comments.
I love LVFC, and this is not me bashing. No need to go to the dance, I have the dance in my room :3
@BanditRaccoon1 Oh no! I hope you feel better for tomorrow! Tummy stuff sucks
@EctoDrool yo im down
@KimoWuffAD @TuskboarTheBoar Snuck out of suit for the night! I’ll be out tomorrow tho
@TLagomars Woof! Quite the view!
@Shep_atNight Puppy it makes me so Waggy to see you making content like this. Keep it up pup
@Pup_Tigger It’s the best!!!
@TybaricTiger It’s usually bluey or some other cartoon
@crinklyheeler Just got a cheap travel one from Walmart.
@Daddy_Yukon @colby_hooski I see plenty of things to have fun with 👀
@RaskerWolf Wow look at this good boy! Needs all the pets
@arrowt @RyattAWD @Tyler_TheFox He was snug as a bug! Perfect spot for him
@OtterMicah @cinnamontail Looking great! Happy Fursuit Friday!!
@thebottlebear It’s never fun, just know they thought the world of you. Wishing you the best
@2ndrand Both~ gladly!
@CormackWolf Can you flop into some cuddles with me please?
@ranger_shep That’s my thought process! They’re missing out!
@ranger_shep Better question is why are you not on it??
@Kangazeroo Happy birthday!
@RustySaberWuff I’m glad to hear he’s improving. Let’s hope the biopsy has good news also. You’re in my thoughts
@Yukon_Wolf @RaccSnacc Me!!!
@LionBoyTank But look at how HANDSOME he is!! Oh my goodness I’m gushing 😍
@ThatDogCoda @HipsterDawg Treat him well and give him all the pets. He was a good boy at TFF
@rfoxtail @DadHeeler Haha it’s a lot of fun! I feel very lucky that I can call Bandit a friend :)
@BDawgTheHusky Most of LaGuardia is now brand new and is super nice.
@GreyWah Drive safe. Wishing you and your family the best
@ShutterWolf @SilySox @GreyWah @DogTibbs B A B Y watches all. Baby judges all
@BartonTheFox @BuckleyDeer @Rabidrabbit56 @CooperCaracal @ChipSaber @Whiskers_Kitteh @CopperBadger @MeruSnowmew @Indycoone @FursuitsByLacy Rockstars 🤩
@GreyWah Sorry Grey 😭 can’t lie
RT @Whiskers_Kitteh: Family photo with the @FursuitsByLacy crew at TFF! Shoutouts to @Indycoone for rounding us all up! 📷: @colby_husky htt…
@Whiskers_Kitteh @FursuitsByLacy @Indycoone Was such a good group ! Thanks for letting me capture the moment!
@TheScubaPup Wooo congrats!
@2ndrand Never followed them but was aware of them. Always kinda had me on edge.
@cinnamontail I’m pumped!!
@HouseRedmane Got that water of life in you
Definitely thinking about this. I have a water bottle from them and love it!
@KryptonSvingar Woo! Keep it going!
@KetoWolf It cannot be understated how much I love this. Keto, you blew this out of the park. Now who's next? Doesn't seem like I'm going anywhere anytime soon.
@NitroL3x 😎 😩😈💋🙈💦
@cinnamontail @Skyy_Husky I didn’t see! Happy belated birthday 🎂
@Yutari2 Cuties!!!
Now I need a pro shot of this. 😱 so goooooooood!
@ChewBtoy Dude you’re gonna have a blast! The energy was amazing!
@SGTMcwoof808 Good boy!
@Demondu23818401 Oh now you’ve done it!
@DogTibbs Nooo!!! You need your treats!
@SketchWandering @thewyldechild Ah it’s been fine! Been indoors for most of it and the snow on the trees at bowling green was super pretty
@thewyldechild Just for the weekend :)
@TybaricTiger @Yukon_Wolf @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes step right up. I might rub back though 👀
@furryWeekendOR It gets worse folks.
RT @Yukon_Wolf: I don’t like callout posts as they bring negativity to my timeline, but I feel this needs to be posted to prevent others fr…
@ShiroMoot Thanks!
@ranger_shep Awooo
@TybaricTiger Aww thank you! And so are you!!
@SilySox Looking at a cute cheese! 🧀
@2ndrand That sounds very nice! I would be in for that.
@aservicebuck @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep Aww. Don’t worry you’re getting in on this too
@RustySaberWuff @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep Good. He needs to be overwhelmed. It’s good for him
@Calidragon06 @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep Very tall!! He’s adorable
@RustySaberWuff @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep You were needed there
@Teal_Credere Cutie!! *rubs*
@Teal_Credere @WildDogWorks @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep That’s right! You there! Cute! 🥰
@Teal_Credere @WildDogWorks @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep Yes!! Bunch of cuties just like you!
@HipsterDawg Super cool!!
@JesseBlueFox Who says you aren’t?
@TybaricTiger Ooh yes please! I would love that!
More exciting news as I have officially confirmed our room at the Westin for Anthrocon!! Super great!!
@SonarShepYote Handsome~
@Drillwolf_ @kippycube Woah!! Super good!
@TybaricTiger Ooh yes please!
@turbohusky19 Happy Birthday!!!
Heard some absolutely fantastic news today and I’m super excited for a friend! Good start to the week
@DogTibbs OH MY GOODNESS IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! *big hugs*
@RiggyFolf @Melvis_Barksy @WildDogWorks Aww! You need all the belly rubs cutie
@MaxiWolfDog You’re cool! 😎 Don’t worry about it dood
@Guineh2 Yeah at first the line was turning more which worked better, but then it started coming more at me which sucked :(
@Guineh2 The spot I had was a disaster! I tried so hard
@StripyRand Sounds good! Let’s do it!
@StripyRand Any spoon! All I need are cute kitty cuddles
@GreyWah *hugs* you're a good bean and this isn't fair to ya. The kigu looks great on ya though! :)
@GoodBoyScott @DoppioAmore right?
@TigWiesel OOH! Happy birthday friend!!
@FlukeTheWolf @skeelshusky It sure is the truth! Tell em!
@BADT1GER @LionBoyTank Look at this handsome dude!
@StripyRand Perfect for tugging!
@WolfOfTheOldWar I vacuum seal the body and parts and can get my whole suit (with head) in an Away Large Checked luggage.
@ranger_shep I wanna help!
@Werewolf_mutt Cuddles!! Sounds wonderful
@NitroL3x I definitely want to play!!
@PantsRaccoon @ranger_shep They’re super comfy! I love mine
@ranger_shep Let’s do it pup.
@Hanksource @GreyWah @SilySox @Kudenfox That’s the best way way to start! Hope you had a good time!
@ranger_shep @Giggs_01 Accurate. Dog in a china shop.
@wuskythehusky @Denwolf_ @RhemsShep Very much so agree. They’re both sweethearts
@Slash_Sabercat Woof! Handsome kitty! Let’s throw the ball around!
@Kai13fierro Disney California Adventure afaik
@SkylarDarkfox @Guineh2 @Anthro_NE
@SkylarDarkfox @Guineh2 @Anthro_NE If you read the original posts comments from the OP, they were forcing everyone with a camera to sign.
@GreyWah 2 Fast 2 Wah. I hope you’re okay though. Warm compress should help
Yo @Anthro_NE, I was planning to attend in 2025. But with this I will straight up refuse to attend your convention if I’m asked to sign this. You need to think about this for 2025.
@raddestwah It was so nice getting to hang out with you! Waaaaah!
@ranger_shep Let’s talk all night!
@KalelDaProtogen @raddestwah @DFWFurs @GreyWah @Kudenfox @DogTibbs @StratusShepherd @LucaWuff Sox is adorable!! @SilySox
@BDawgTheHusky @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes 💯 you got it
@ReinyThePup @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Ooh! did you find a puddle to look into?! Cause you're the cutie here
@derpydadth @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes hmmm suuure.
@wuskythehusky @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Thank you!!
@HipsterDawg @Hugz_N_Snugz @WildDogWorks Who could say no to you!
@aservicebuck @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes Looking in the mirror huh?
@Tabbicus @Rabidrabbit56 @BuckleyDeer @DanwithCats This is such a fun photo! Very cozy!!
RT @KoidelCoyote: I speak Puppy 🐶 fluently and will be your translator, always happy to help! *waff waff* :3 📸: @colby_husky 🐶: @dadheele…
@RustySaberWuff WOOOF WOOOF WOOF. Well this isn’t fair. *drops to knees*
@HouseRedmane They asked my name, if I liked ice cream, how much my suit was, what my favorite flavor of ice cream was. It was pretty cute. They had one of those tiny microphones that sound terrible hahah
Got interviewed by some volleyball girls, I wonder if they’ll post it
@Hanksource It’s a secret!
RT @furconio: We're getting closer to our launch. Let us know what you think of what we have so far. Beta coming soon! Interested in getti…
@WhyCorgiSmol @Mekhoiii Woah! Looks so good!
@lucthelab The only reason it needs a warning is because it might cause people to drool. Looking great!
@FlukeTheWolf @Yukon_Wolf @WildDogWorks @PyropeCostumes ^\\\^ you’re too kind
@LionBoyTank @WildDogWorks THANK YOU SO MUCH! Remi did an amazing job!
@Yukon_Wolf @WildDogWorks Woof! Look at this hottie!
@DecoyWolff LGBTQ+ and gets into fights often (but always loses)
@JesseBlueFox @anthronw @PyropeCostumes Aww oh no! Next one!
Look for your photo here!
@RustySaberWuff @ReinyThePup Woah! Lovely!!
@ShutterWolf @anthronw It was a struggle, that hallway was packed :s
@OfPoumn @DadHeeler Hi there! I looked through my set and don't see anyone missed! If you DM me I can attempt to look further! My DMs are open.
@OfPoumn @DadHeeler Hmm! It should have been all of them, but I'll check.
RT @WildDogWorks: Here’s Colby! A cute pup to match his wolf 🐶 #furry #fursuit #FursuitFriday #fursuitmaker #wilddogworks…
@WildDogWorks Oh my gosh I am in love! He's adorable!!
@DecoyWolff You forgot me
@Horsefur1 @anthronw Keep an eye on @furconio
@Horsefur1 @anthronw Not an app, I wrote this little page myself! you can see the output here: I do have a... project... in the works that eventually will let you generate your own page like this.
@Yukon_Wolf LOVE!! I’m dying! So good!
@LionBoyTank These are amazing. Top tier
@panda_paco @Goldieboii_ This is actually entire too adorable. He looks like he’s just so ready to have some fun.
@sprinkle_dog @anthronw can’t wait to see you again Duncan!
@HipsterDawg @BDawgTheHusky I need to see the output of this… or help >:3
@KryptonSvingar Smh
@crinklyheeler Just a new head. Will be using it in combination with my current one
@StreamArcaDad @Yukon_Wolf Sounds like a good spot. Get to it~
@Yukon_Wolf @RaccSnacc All the rubs and cuddles
@Drillwolf_ Aww thank you lots. Maybe we should rub them together sometime :)
@Drillwolf_ Very rubbable tummy
@KindledPup Party of the process! Ghost eyes!
Super exciting!! Look at how cute he is!
@Yukon_Wolf On my way!
I’m sending this tweet to fix my default who can reply option. Please ignore
@thebottlebear @Yukon_Wolf Yeah!!!
@Yukon_Wolf I love you!!! 💕😘❤️
@sprinkle_dog Happy new year!! You need to get all the candy!!
@HouseRedmane Do it right now >:3
@crossthewolf Yo happy birthday! Hope it’s the best! Looks like everyone is celebrating tonight, as they should! 🎉
@IdkMaster4 Thank you!
@DaddyWulf Thank you!
@WolfeFort Thank you!
@TigWiesel awwooo! Thank you Wiesel!
@HouseRedmane eee thank you soo much cooper!
@MazeTheLion Thank you maze! making me blushy!
@KetoWolf Thank you so much Keto!!
@howling_shane Thanks!
@ronaldalberta12 Thanks!
@Caerulus_Eis thanks!!
@ClmentGRIMAUD8 Thanks!!
@85retro Thanks!!
@MilkywayCopycat Thanks!
@josephvmayo Thank you!!
@sir_sqwanch Thank you!
@TitanDeal16 Thanks!
@GShep81 Thankss!!!
@CooperWolf5 Thank youuu!!!
@JBTSkunkWolf_AD Thank ya!!
@TraveltoDinner thank ya!
@SmileySaber eee thank you!
@NovaWolf2021 Thanks!!
@RustyBourne1 WOAH! that's awesome! Happy Birthday!
@Ryleigh_Tiggy WOOO thank you!
@SluttyMooPup Thankssss!
@SleepyDef Thank ya lots!
@MrNobod90021136 Thanks!
@Xxtcp2 Thank ya!
@Gemlit Thank you!!!
@Sliced_Ramen Thank ya!!
@Guineh2 Thank ya!
@fluffboigarg Thank you!
@FoxyBoiArble Thank you!
@Li0nSqueezy Thank you!
@Bouncerthepup Thank you so much Bouncer!
@ColbyPupGB We shall take over the world! Thank you
@ChazJager thank you!
@Forgyx_Fox I did thank you!
@DJ_Whole_Milk2 Thank ya!!
@RaventheWolf88 Thank ya!!
@TylerFurlongAK Thank ya!
@deathmasterc Thank you lots!
@teenytinylimey Thank you!
@Hanksource wooof thank you!
@Blazionite Thank ya!
@TybaricTiger Thank you so much! it was! had a blast
@MelloBrass I did thank you!
@ThyStellaAstra Thank ya!
@TaroYggdrasill Thank you!!!
@AninoYoung Thank you!!
@GreyWah WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH. (that's wah for thank you so much friend!).
@KryptonSvingar Thanks, but no biting!
@CooperDaWah Thank youuuu!
@AthyLion Thank you Athy!!!
@BanditRaccoon1 Thanks bandit!
@WolfBearz Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
@WolfBearz Thank youu!
@polycereal Bark bark! thanks Poly!
@MysteryPaws Thank you!!
@StrykerWolf13 YAY! Thanks Stryker!
@wuskythehusky Thanks Wusky!!
@Voltagewolff117 Thanks Voltage!
@Pengo_the_otter Yes! I took today off also so 4 day weekend! Thank you!
@ThatDogCoda Wag! Thanks Coda!
@Sunbur I did! Thank you so much Khoi!
@HarleyCoyote Thanks Harley :3
@DogTibbs Yay thank you Tibbs!!!
@SilverCruxx Ruff ruff! Thanks wusky!
@sprinkle_dog Thank you so much Duncan! I appreciate it a lot!
@BrooksDoggo Happy birthday!
RT @HipsterDawg: Happy Holidays everyone! Hope your season is merry, bright, and full of dino nuggies! 🥰 #12daysofchristmas #furrytiktok 🐺…
@HipsterDawg @WildDogWorks @AscariFennec @DadHeeler @DoppioAmore @DUNE_COYOTE @OrangeHounds @ThatDogCoda @WolfOfTheOldWar @SukaVulpe I’m so happy to have joined in on this! Such a wonderful time! Happy holidays!
RT @FriskyHyena: IF WE HAVEN'T TALKED OTHERWISE IN 4+ MONTHS... Say hi! Wish me Merry chrimmy or a good holiday or Easter or birthday or w…
@GreenTeaK9 @PyropeCostumes B-But i've been a good boy! Help me!
@NitroL3x @PyropeCostumes Now im just decoration 😭
@GreyWah Hi 👋🏻
@GreyWah @SellonSergal oh pfm was today T.T I forgot.
@NitroL3x Now I’m extremely jealous. I need to be there!
@Tundru_DireWolf You’re gonna get some rubs back too!
@Tundru_DireWolf Please do! Belly rubs are the best
@AkyrF @kigurumikagetsu @CashleyPegasus Wow! I will! Amazing suit!!
@Yukon_Wolf @KotaHusky This is projected to @RobbieAndCoda
@Denwolf_ @Yukon_Wolf @gintyatyatyatya Get in here.
And if you’re counting… that’s 7 confirmed conventions before June! See the full list here:
Super excited to add the sin city to my con circuit! Las Vegas Fur Con 2024 here I come!
@HipsterDawg @Yukon_Wolf @gintyatyatyatya Yus! Come join us!
@DisasterYeen @Yukon_Wolf @gintyatyatyatya Finally get you clean 🧼
@DrRabbot @Yukon_Wolf @gintyatyatyatya Absolutely! Get in here
Fixed the limited comments! Sorry!
@BratHuskio Such a mood~
@DogTibbs Let’s talk~
@ZeroTheHusky Hope you're feeling okay, but I would feel it would be wrong if I didn't say: You don't need to tenderize yourself. You're already a snack to preds.
@AthyLion It’s so much fun! Definitely give it a go if you see this cabbit
@HipsterDawg @AthyLion Dungeon?!
@Yukon_Wolf @Hungry_Hroth Hufffffff. Yes daddy right away!
@Zahzu I love it, i need to visit.
@RingerShep .... both?
@Hanksource @SebbySpresso awww thank you 😊
@RustySaberWuff Ruff! Yes sir!
@HipsterDawg @Yukon_Wolf @KotaHusky @PyropeCostumes Yeah!!! Let’s go win some more!
@RustySaberWuff You know you’re gonna cause accidents being this hot. I can’t keep my eyes off you
@Yukon_Wolf Must rub, it calls to me~
@Yukon_Wolf Yes dad!
@ranger_shep Don't know! Most sheps do though. I need to perform a sniff-spection.
@Hanksource @StratusShepherd @KibaRinWolf Pleasure to meet you also!! ^.^ wonderful time
I’m thinking I might make holiday cards for the first time this year! Mutuals comment below if you’d like one sent to you :)
@DecoyWolff This explains the house ghost… finally
@skeelshusky All the cuddles for you cutie!
@ranger_shep I was there for this massacre. 🫡
@Shoujax1 @DFWFurs @StratusShepherd @KibaRinWolf Same to you! ^.^ great suit!
@LumberingMoo You’re welcome! Anytime 😘
@LumberingMoo @Grough_Burr Woof! So handsome
@SheriffRaccoon Bro I’m literally in SJC the next day 😭
@Yukon_Wolf @KotaHusky Always the best spending time with you <3
@NitroL3x I want to so baddd
@GreyWah but ice creammmmmmmmmmm
@Cubordinate Cuties!
@omegapupdash Aaah these are so cute!!
@RustySaberWuff @KajinSama @Yukon_Wolf Awww thank you!
@DogTibbs Adorable!
@Yukon_Wolf They’re not ready!
@wxenpiex @Cubordinate @DadHeeler @PyropeCostumes Hmm?
@polycereal You got it. Yet I hear stories of staff being able to give rooms away in main before the lottery.
@polycereal We had a full room already planned for FC full of fursuiters. We regularly fill our rooms to the hotels recommended capacity.
Seems the only way to go to FC is to be staff. Sucks but I will be removing this con from my rotation unless there is some miracle with hotels.
@sprinkle_dog Adorable!! Have fun!
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation BIG STICK!!!
@TiggerPup91 Eventually I’ll have you lionize me hehe
RT @ThatDogCoda: This pic from the con has all the feels! 😊 Beautiful 📸 by @colby_husky #BLFC2023 #blfc #fursuit #fursuiter #FursuitEver…
@DoppioAmore @CaptainScales Perfect.
@HijinxLynx If people feel so inclined I have a kofi! Linked on I also have options for a release without watermark, designed for prints but would work if someone was really worried.
@LionBoyTank *looks up how to make puppy throw up*
@GreyWah @nyasu_nee Ooh! I wanna help!! *belly rubs*
RT @LionBoyTank: puppy play but I keep eating stuff that gives me tummy aches
@LionBoyTank Don’t make me take you to the vet >:(
@HijinxLynx Oh in banners/PFPs it’s no issue, and I love when I see my photos used there; those are limited/specific sized spaces. It’s when it’s like in a post/tweet and it’s obviously been removed. It’s a simple respect thing.
@WolfBearz You got it chief ;)
@DoppioAmore Yeah I know it’s a risk putting it there, but I’m trying to strike a balance of being able to enjoy the photo and feel ok leaving credit. Some people are just rood
@polycereal Heh I’ve never cared about banners/pfps because I know there is limited space. I appreciate it though *hugs*
@Kudenfox Hehehe
@Kudenfox Doing this for all your photos going forward :P
@KryptonSvingar Not worth the time of day for this one.
@SheriffRaccoon It sucks. If I catch people doing this, I never take their photo again. It’s malicious and hurtful.
I have one minimum expectation with my photos… leave my watermark intact if at all possible. I get some people want of use my photos for PFP and other content where it has to go. But when I find my photos with onlu the watermark cropped off with plenty of room… grr!! :(
RT @DadHeeler: Keep it simple. Kids switch off if you talk too long.
@HipsterDawg Omg 😳
@HipsterDawg @WildDogWorks @hellasergals @DoppioAmore @NitroShep @DirtypawsHusky @CaptainScales @CaffineShep @Creatures30 @ThatDogCoda @CedarWolfYote Always great seeing you bean! All the cuddles for you
RT @HipsterDawg: OMG #BLFC2023 what a ride! Had such an awesome time seeing all of you and shepping around. See you all at the next one! #F…
@ranger_shep @Asherthedolf I’ll make sure to handle you that way~
@Yukon_Wolf @RaccSnacc Stoooop. You can only get me so erect.
@morrowuff You looked so good!!
@Kangazeroo @AnthroExpo @bonsaibreath On it. See you there
@NitroL3x @Daddy_Yukon @PyropeCostumes So are youuuu
@ranger_shep I LOVE the bluey lanyard! This whole setup is adorable!
@DoppioAmore Fine I’ll poke you instead
@ranger_shep I would say so!
@DecoyWolff >.> it’s so goood though
FWA Hotel booked! See y'all there!
RT @DensCreations: IT’S HOLIDAY RAFFLE TIME!!! This one will run longer than usual because we’re giving away a FULL SUIT!! This includes…
@TigertheMeerkat Looking handsome!!
@ranger_shep Jealous! I need photos!
@DensCreations 👀 you’ve piqued my interest
@LennonsFursuits W O O F! very handsome! Would gladly nuzzle
I’m super excited that I’ll now be attending @anthronw in 2024! Currently my plans for FC24 are rocky because of the hotel situation. We shall see I guess.
@furcon Absolute unmitigated disaster. Do better
@Denwolf_ @Fellfallow_Art So good 🤩
@Cubordinate I’ll see you there cutie
@Yukon_Wolf Woof! You know I’m rubbing that belly every day
@WoofBarkArf @Chaiwolfess Anytime~ hope to catch ya at a con!
@WoofBarkArf @Chaiwolfess Wow!! Super handsome. I wanna give ya all the rubs
@ranger_shep Show plushies and shep tummy for rubs~
@RaighoHusky Aww oh no! I haven’t had terraform get too out of hand before, though I agree Hashicorp has been a butt recently.
@RaighoHusky CDK is also solid, we’re starting to explore CDK with terraform
@RaighoHusky Now go to terraform and have your mind blown again. Cattle based infrastructure for the win!
@Bluehasia This gives me ideas
@ToonersWuff @Buttermilkmutt @BlizzTheWolf SPOOKY! You scared me!
@HipsterDawg Waggg!! Yay!
@NitroL3x On my way to help with cuddles!
@ranger_shep They’re both adorable options! Why not both?
@DisasterYeen *sobs*
@NitroL3x I wanna tug on it a bad!
@DoppioAmore @HipsterDawg You literally did exactly what I was gonna do. This is the only correct answer.
@knotjoke Meow wolf hyyyyype! Looks great!
@lucthelab Peanut butter at all times?
@DensCreations @ginbot86 A D O R A B L E. I can’t wait to see him out and about!
RT @chaoswuff: I heard it was #TummyTuesday or something. Any pups want to give me belly rubs all night? 📸 @colby_husky…
@Denwolf_ Hi. It’s me. The cuddly distraction.
@Denwolf_ Seems you need a cuddly distraction to get you away from all that.
@NitroL3x Ooh very spooky and cool!!
@BratHuskio @Yukon_Wolf Of course~
@BratHuskio It’s unfair how hot it is.
@GreyWah GET IT IN MY MOUTH. big spoon for sure
@StickyCandyWuff @RaccoonDrew Who face you access to all the snacks?!?!
@RingerShep Y-yes! Gotta be a good boy 🥵
@ranger_shep I’m buying out the entire supply
@LennonsFursuits Woof!! I wanna find out what’s hiding there 👀
@BratHuskio Y’all are adorable
@OverCyan Yay! Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉
@LionBoyTank Hoping for a swift recovery! Us lefties have to stick together
@Bluehasia The 70-200 is just too important.
@TiborTiger Wow!! This looks so good!!
@NitroL3x I’m on my way! We can wash each other! 😳
@LionBoyTank So handsome!!!
@Cubordinate ❤️🐬🔸💗
@sprinkle_dog I’ll stay around and give you all the hugs and treats!
@GreyWah I’m PUMPED
@SkyscraperHusky ❤️💚💙
@NitroL3x Such a good boy! Now come here for some head pats and belly rubs
@HipsterDawg @ToonersWuff @mushketeery You’ll get some too!! Cuddle pile!
@ToonersWuff @mushketeery All the cuddles for you!
@Denwolf_ Adorable!!
@DeikuPanda Wow! A great introduction to jocktober
@BlackymoonOtter Aww happy birthday! Make sure to bat at all of them!
@BDawgTheHusky Aww this is adorable. Might as well throw away the key. It might rust from lack of use.
@HipsterDawg @EctoDrool Aww! Let’s go trick or treating together!
@SheriffRaccoon Happy burfday!
@DecoyWolff owo
@ZeroTheHusky ♥️💙 Though where is the "I would eat you" option? Feel like you're missing a lot of people.
@Pengo_the_otter Noooooo. I’m gonna miss ya at BLFC :(
@PuppyDogBlues Extra adorable on you kiddo
@LionBoyTank @Cricket__Picket Big flex from the big guy! Heck yeah!
@Shep_Reese More than fair
@Yukon_Wolf Glad I have many places to hold on! Let’s go!
@LyamTheYeen I’m on my way! I need all the snugs with ya
@slate_akita Big cat looks ready for the game! Handsome
@Sig_Shep @MadeFurYou Wanting to give ya a tug! If that’s okay~
@Calmide_Bulf @GR30Arts Big strong bulf! Looking great!
@Slash_Sabercat Woof! I’ll tackle ya if you don’t watch out!
@BDawgTheHusky @WaggeryCos Ooh! Signing up for little league?
@NitroL3x Gah! You make me blush!
@FlukeTheWolf @PyropeCostumes >\\\< thank you handsome!!
@ThatDogCoda @PyropeCostumes Awww thank you!! And you’re adorable!!
@KyTyger Java Spring Gradle JSP Jboss if we feel like it oracle/mysql/mssql/postgres because we can’t make up our mind. IBM DB2 Node AWS and DC Pain and suffering.
@LionBoyTank I’ll try, no promises though. 😊
@ranger_shep @WoofAndWagClub hmm. not sure, I think I need more data. you offering?
@TheGoldenMaw Woof! Whoever owns this puppy is very lucky! LOOKS AMAZING!
@ZukoScaleclaw Woof! I’ll give you all the belly rubs
@thebottlebear Looks just like you baby bear!
@DoppioAmore @Kangazeroo He can use those big steppers for cleaning the floor fast!
@PuppyDogBlues Oh there they go! I wonder where they went?! Better check
@MegaplexCon @DadHeeler @ThatBlueyHeeler @ItsBingoHeeler Here are their socials if you wanna follow!
@GreyWah “wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah” - @GreyWah
@NitroL3x Subscribe! Ads worked :3
@rangerafterpets You’re sexy and you know it ;)
@NitroL3x Must be looking in the mirror
@thebottlebear Happy birthday baby bear! Hope it’s full of cake, cartoons, and… a bouncehouse maybe!
@GreyWah It goes together really. I’ll take all the headpats
@NitroL3x Awww thank you. A mutual adorableness.
@NitroL3x Not just cute. Adorable for sure
@NitroL3x On my way! Would gladly snug
@HipsterDawg @ThatDogCoda @WildDogWorks Oh like you think you’re gonna get out of snugs.
@ThatDogCoda @HipsterDawg @WildDogWorks Bet. Gotta make it happen for sure.
@HipsterDawg @WildDogWorks @ThatDogCoda When will it be my turn >:(
@polycereal @Babanasaur Yeah!! It came out so good!
@BratHuskio Still a brat in all places >:3
@DogTibbs @HipsterDawg @SparkleKreation Shep cuddles are best cuddles
@sprinkle_dog How could I not!? Look at ya, you sweet bean! Happy Friday!!
@DogTibbs Look at that squeaky roo!!
@Lucky_fuzz_butt Super handsome! Would cuddle all day!
@TheGoldenMaw Woah! Super handsome! 🥰
@ToboeWolfsbane Congratulations 🎉
@BDawgTheHusky Seems appropriate as you can’t use it anyways 🔒
@DeltaScourgecat @FMCadaver Glad ya like it! The high res versions are always free! Just hit the “Download Photo” button! Here is this photo high-res
@HipsterDawg 11 million
Take a look at everything here:
@DecoyWolff One of us. One of us. One of us
@DogTibbs @polycereal It’s true though. I don’t compare
@BDawgTheHusky Yes play play play!
@KygenDrake Make a shopping trip for snacks at start of con. DON’T FORGET WATER. Plan meals with friends out, make it a social event. Never eat alone.
@SnugsTheHuskyAD Quite the snack
@ranger_shep Bojack horseman is so good.
@FatherlyLion It really is the best being my daddy’s little
@NovaWolfy Woo! Tesla gang!
@Flexwag @KooperShiba @WaggeryCos @cb_afterdark wooof! sure does
@Gunnerhoosk Woof! I definitely wanna give you all the cuddles you want
@FlukeTheWolf @KotaHusky Look at those handsome canines! Woooooof!
RT @Yukon_Wolf: Why would anyone consider the BLFC to PAWCon bus that they are offering after BLFC? Why sit on a bus for 5 hours and take o…
@BiffTheMoose @Yukon_Wolf Look at how happy he is, right where the moose belongs
RT @polycereal: How many big bois I'm simpping...? YES! IT NEVER ENOUGH. Can't believe I finally make dreams come true of recreating thi…
See all my photos from the parade and TTFC here:
See all my photos here!
Today sucks.
@StripyRand I'd love to help
@EmericShep Anytime cutie
@polycereal @Yukon_Wolf @PyropeCostumes Yup!
@Toxinthewolf The bi side
@EmericShep I’ll give you all the belly rubs! No code needed :3
@JesseBlueFox @PyropeCostumes Awww thank ya and right back at ya
@PyropeCostumes I’ve loved wearing this suit! So many good times already
I guess we can start a collection! Tg/davvvveee is a fake!
@ranger_shep Sounds really comfy. Then you can also wear it with suit. Win/win
@ranger_shep You need it. I’ve never seen something needed more.
@RaighoHusky I’ve been watching it. It’s simple and fun. It’s anime tropes the anime. Put it on and laugh at it, enjoy!
@BDawgTheHusky @PyropeCostumes Good boy!!
@JesseBlueFox @PyropeCostumes Yeah! Heya fursuit brother!
@DogTibbs I wonder if you’ll be coming back from denfur with any friends
Hey @VancouFUR - maybe... don't announce dates and then change them. I had made several plans that now I have to cancel. Soured on ever going to your con. WHY does nobody want to put a con in February?!
@CooperDaWah I always need photos of myself, usually behind the camera
@DogTibbs @CYBERDRAGONBETA @SparkleKreation It’s a vicious cycle
*taps the sign* tg/iam_jeremysmith is not me. Don’t fall for it
@FoelanDeer WOAH! 🤯 completely unexpected. Also wasn’t expecting such a cutie 🥰
@rangerafterpets Ooh! Thanks for the reminder! Ordered mine too :3
@Yukon_Wolf @DadHeeler 🥰🥰🥰
RT @Yukon_Wolf: Too much dad for one photo! Finally got to meet the ultimate dad, @DadHeeler. #TFS2023 📸: @colby_husky…
@ranger_shep People don’t understand the joke. It’s fun to make jokes about taking this silly site seriously. Just be dog, bark bark bark!
@CooperDaWah Noooooo :( I’m sorry dood
@FlukeTheWolf Bet. Next time I see you
@FlukeTheWolf I’d do it for free
@KibaRinWolf Waiting on people to land before getting there
@KibaRinWolf Same, but I’m still at home :o
@Kemono_Haru If you know someone with an invite code it’s the fastest path. But people in the platform only get 1 invite every 10-14 days
@StrykerWolf13 Bark bark bark bark! See ya tomorrow
RT @DadHeeler: Hey, mates! Tomorrow I'm off to Texas for #TFS2023. Hoping to see some of you kiddos there. Ready to give out some big hugs!…
@swiftfoxfire @RyattAWD @FlukeTheWolf @KotaHusky @cinnamontail It’s RF mount, but the adapter is small and keeps full frame on EF
@BDawgTheHusky @WaggeryCos You’re already a skyscraper I swear. *looks up*
@TigertheMeerkat Me me me me me!
@Roofur Immediately submitted! Hope I get picked!
@FriskyHyena Good catch, and if it does on iOS you can use a shortcut to get the old look back
@ThatDogCoda @FuryFlame16 @Alysterwolf @JayJfriedman1 @Funlalabryant @Tonio69785529 While this is fun be careful! The last time one of these went around it used that login to force you to follow some crypto crap and mute it so you wouldn’t know.
@nokireindeer @wuskythehusky @FuzzyHubcap So cute! Sad I didn’t get a photo with ya
@BDawgTheHusky I think I’ve already been here for a while pup. Calling you anything else would feel wrong, cause it’s not you.
@ranger_shep Someone hacked your phone again!? Someone’s letting out all this adorable content
@AMischievousRoo @Yukon_Wolf Yus!!!
@Southpaw_Stitch @Yukon_Wolf ALL OF THEM
@WolfBearz @Yukon_Wolf Yus! Let’s go!
@DieselBear1 @Yukon_Wolf All of them. Whatever our favorites are.
@Drawrgi Happy birthday!!!
@Bluehasia I literally removed all contacts. It also gives you the advantage of being able to see when they update their name
@ranger_shep @WatsyTheOtt Happy birthday!!
@RaighoHusky Extra cute
@NaikumaArt @Wahfightclub Wow! Super handsome wah!
@DisasterYeen @Mark55____ Glad you got yeeted up there. Don’t stink it up too much .
@Ty_Wuff When I had my partial I struggled with this feeling a lot. Unfortunately it doesn't go away even once you have a fullsuit. You just gotta get out there and say hi. Your suit is adorable!
@CooperDaWah No… its Mast The overlords are deboosting if you mention them directly Odon, put the two parts together. You can also go to the right part of my username in the screenshot in your browser.
@KryptonSvingar I count 3 major contenders.
See all the photos here!
@TheDawnshepherd Sent you a DM
@Ursonis Happy birthday!
@Furry_in_a_Jeep Woof! Looking good!
@Polt_Ash Shocking right?
Guess what! @/PupBuday62727 on tg is a scammer! Above rules still apply
RT @colby_husky: Seems the sugar scammers have gotten a hold of some of my photos to use. 1. My only telegram account is…
@KibaRinWolf Yup. Typically around 15. It just helps a ton with subject focus.
@HipsterDawg @WildDogWorks On my way!
@ToonersWuff Omw
@CooperDaWah Definitely worth it! Even if just for the day.
@CooperDaWah It’s a super chill con! Was my first con in 2021 and was a great introduction.
@Shep_Reese Sounds like you need to buy gear then! What are you looking at ? :3
@BriskyCoyote This went away when I deleted barq after the owner got a DHC suit. Win/win
@BDawgTheHusky @Shep_Reese ^\\\\^ I’m glad you like it!
@FlukeTheWolf @Hunter_Husky @KotaHusky Be careful! Precious goods!
@HipsterDawg @DogTibbs @GildedDog1 @PyropeCostumes You’re adorable also! Let’s all go bark at the mailman together
@ToonersWuff smol!
@ranger_shep @StripyRand @Asherthedolf Definitely not. Y’all need cuddles ASAP. On my way
@LennonsFursuits More than yes. You deserve all the hugs! So handsome!!
@ToonersWuff @KeanuStinkbean @DadHeeler @HipsterDawg @Drawrgi Doubt.
@cinnamontail The best feeling!!
@HoundHuskio @Yukon_Wolf @HipsterDawg We must protecc
@Yukon_Wolf @HipsterDawg Noooo. Not the poor boy!! WHO UPSET HIM
@Rike_Lion Ah! Scared by how cute you are
@AthyLion I’m pulling you around everywhere, I’m a sled dog :)
@FlukeTheWolf @Yukon_Wolf *gulp* well this is my life now. And I love it
@TigertheMeerkat DUDE! it’s gonna be great! Have a blast!
@SoraHyperNoize I generally only carry around the 24-70. If I were to carry something else it would probably be either the 35mm f/1.8 or the 70-200 f/2.8. For short to medium portrait length the 24-70 is perfect, if I was shooting the parade or dance comp I would have had the 70-200
@SoraHyperNoize My general carry is a Canon R6 Mark II with a RF 24-70 f2.8 L. The 24 comes in handy and you get the beautiful bokeh at 70. EXIF data for this pic: Type/Model: Canon EOS R6m2 Lens: RF24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM Shutter Speed: 1/800 s Aperture: f/2.8 Focal Length: 33 mm ISO: 1600
@pup_bandit @Shep_atNight I’m surprised you’re not!
@KeanuStinkbean Awww thank you so much! That’s my goal :3
@DixonBark I’m so glad you like it! Makes me so happy ^\\\^
@TigertheMeerkat A professional you say 👀
@polycereal lol it was so funny running into you again
@Shep_atNight No >:( I’ll give you a muzzle
If you’re wearing a partial/poodling and want a photo, I’m glad to do so, just ask. If you’re wearing a dino mask or protogen head and want a photo, I’m glad to do so, just ask. All suit styles are valid. Love y’all. Why y’all gotta be so mean to each other?
@polycereal You didn’t want soft husky paws in your face? My bad hehe
It's so much fun to capture these moments. I hope everyone is having a great AC!
@LangleyManey Photos go up to FurTrack but are always available first on my site! See my AC photos here:
Thanks Westin for the free upgrade to a corner suite! So much room!!
@SabreToothTeeko Woof! Thank ya
@JT_the_Wolfie Thanks!
@MazeTheLion I love this thing! It’s a Peak Design Everyday 30L. designed to be a mix between a camera bag and backpack. I’ve been using the 20L for a while and decided to upgraded. It has all my camera gear and my laptops.
@HipsterDawg Are you the plushy… or do you just turn all your friends into plushies
@HoundHuskio Thanks! Gonna miss ya
@DisasterYeen She’s learned that from her dad.
@dargothedragon_ Might need to slightly adjust the size of the print but I found this:
@dargothedragon_ Gotcha! Do you know where I could buy/find the files to print?
@dargothedragon_ Looking great! Definitely wouldn't mind something like this!! Does it collapse any smaller?
@thebluebadger So cool!
@BodiRaccoon Dang. I wish I could say I hadn’t seen it before…. But I have.
@ranger_shep @rangerafterpets @Charmis_fox Uh huh. Whatever you say~ I’m sure everyone believes you
@rangerafterpets @ranger_shep @Charmis_fox Hmmmm…. “Dominant”… more like playing pretend :3
@DisasterYeen Looks like you
@BDawgTheHusky @anthrocon @CarouseHoss Adorable puppy alert!
@BDawgTheHusky Oh jeez. Yeah they’re gonna be real surprised
@PupsterCA Have fun on the road trip! Can’t wait to see ya at AC!
Happy Pride Month 2023! I'm glad to see our community come together to not only celebrate but also remember the hard path we've all gone down for our rights. I'm super excited to get to celebrate with my boyfriend @Yukon_wolf How do you celebrate pride? Art by @toraxhiro
Oh my goodness. I’ve never felt something so personally. This.
RT @DadHeeler: Sheep-dad! With @colby_husky
@DisasterYeen We speak the truth! You’re just going on a little adventure!
@Kudenfox @KibaRinWolf Maybe we should lock you up
RT @chaoswuff: wolf boops with @Yukon_Wolf this #FursuitFriday who wants to give us belly rubs? ✂️@RumWolf 📷@colby_husky…
@Shep_atNight @OverCyan That’s right, I’m a dirty homosexual. Now come over here and kiss me~ 😂😂😂
@FlukeTheWolf @KotaHusky I have to prepare? I’m already excited!
Omg!! @OverCyan did such a great job! I love it!
@FlukeTheWolf You know I’m on my way! See ya there!
@BDawgTheHusky Heh I bet I can handle this problem with extra cuddles. Cmere
@KryptonSvingar Never seen a more accurate tweet
@DoppioAmore @Yukon_Wolf @Kudenfox He beats you up and takes your fox
@KryptonSvingar @GreyWah @StratusShepherd Grrrrr! *awoooooo*
Maybe @jagat_app can protect people’s privacy by patching this ASAP
The image above I got to by visiting a friends list and clicking on one of their friends. I hid their icon but you can see clear track data. This can reveal sensitive information. I could also see down to the house where they lived. This is all without being their friend!
Yo Jagat users, there is a privacy setting you should change ASAP. Go to the Gear -> Privacy Settings -> Who can see your world? With this set to public it allows people not not only see your recent location but also your tracks WITHOUT adding you as a friend RT for awareness
@Pyrferno @telegram Working fine for me!
@Bluehasia Hmm. I'm not sure. I will say when people reach out. I always add a note about "hey, you don't have to, but if you do post I appreciate being tagged. the notifications are fun" I get tagged probably 1-3 times a week on average.
@Bluehasia I get tagged quite often by people that I have directly interacted with. While furtrack is great, not a ton of people also think about who is behind the camera. That's why I direct people to, more personalization.
@DisasterYeen Over half full. The 15.2 TB is what I have left :) I have room to add more drives at least And thanks ^\\\^
@HoundHuskio Yes you are! Though I am noticing a severe lack of hugs.
@HoundHuskio Awww you have me blushing! It's only possible because I have such adorable subjects like yourself
@RasherBoar Looking good! But you're gonna have to catch me~
@HipsterDawg D T DOGGO
@TigertheMeerkat WOW!!!! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎈🍾🎊
@BrooksDoggo How about this to start: You’re adorable and doing a good job. Keep it up 👍🏼
@FlukeTheDadWolf @Yukon_Wolf I knew this was coming hehehe
@Yukon_Wolf So good! Perfect for you
@KryptonSvingar I'm glad you got it looked at! It'll get better, just be careful.
@BDawgTheHusky Oh no! *hugs* I hope things are okay
@HipsterDawg @Yukon_Wolf Let’s take turns!!
@Yukon_Wolf @HipsterDawg I WANT IN THE MIDDLE
@HipsterDawg @PyropeCostumes Sounds great! Can we eat nuggs together after?
@FlukeTheWolf @DadHeeler Awww!m ^\\\\^ the photographer had really great subjects , there was no bad side
@FlukeTheWolf @DadHeeler Y’all look so cute together!!
@HipsterDawg @DoppioAmore @NosHyena @Chase_Retriever @CharcoalSergal @Yukon_Wolf @ToonersWuff @ArdenWolfsky @cocktailsfuru Yay!! So glad to be a part of your adventures!!
@HoundHuskio Barkbarkbarkbarkbark! 🎾
@arrowt Haha yes! It was a lot of fun getting to help. Goal was efficiency and fairness. Thanks everyone for putting up with me
@aqueerwolf I keep every RAW. Even the bad ones. I have my NAS as a location in Lightroom
@thebluebadger Looking great!
@Apo11oPup This is automatic for telegram groups over 100 members. You didn’t have anything set wrong.
@Delako_Mizuno Agreed, just like every other suit! Suit care is critical.
@kadybat @DadHeeler I’m handling for him, we’re working our way into the Marriott Atrium level
Who’s giving me rubs like this? I think I’ve earned it
@BDawgTheHusky I’m gonna definitely run up to you if I see ya
@DisasterYeen @FurryWeekend I haven’t packed a thing! See you there
@RoyaleJackal @MadeFurYou I got nuthin!
@cinnamontail It blew me away when I saw it! Excellent work!!
@Rocky_TheAkita I mean I don’t know if anyone knows how to Twitter right at the moment. The platform is just in chaos
RT @Daddy_Yukon: Dance mode! With my little pup, @colby_husky 🎨: @bluewolfanimate
@DogTibbs First thing you should do anyways is change the locks if anyone other than you had the keys! Who knows how many copies exist
I guess I finally found some time to rest. Slept in until 1pm >.>
Seems the sugar scammers have gotten a hold of some of my photos to use. 1. My only telegram account is 2. If you find people using my photos or want to verify, just let me know. My DMs are open. 3. I'm not gonna give you money, unless I commission you!
@Bluehasia Not only that, we shouldn’t gatekeep behind gear. This stuff is EXPENSIVE. Always get the shot with what you have, because the worst photo is the one not taken.
@DogTibbs YEAH!! YAY FETCH *bolts after ball*
@Bluehasia Oh yes!! I super agree, once you start feeling the limits of your gear and UNDERSTANDING what those limits are, that is when a gear upgrade is important. My upgrade path has been 30D -> 77D -> RP -> R6m2. I was also fortunate enough to get my first L glass recently.
@SkyscraperHusky @TwinkyArts @gryphonfluff You’re not just cute, you’re adorable!
@Bluehasia I don’t strip EXIF data and post it directly on my personal site. I do agree with the aspect of “you don’t need good equipment to get great shots”, I think you can get a lot from a phone. I also agree that equipment wont make you better, but you gotta learn how to use it.
@BDawgTheHusky I’ll be your blanket at FWA
@SkyscraperHusky Gladly! All the rubs on the way for you fellow curl
@CharlietheWuff I do! I love suiting at TFS! they do have all the expected resources
@SilverCruxx Pretty gay…. And hot 🥵
RT @DogTibbs: @colby_husky @SilverCruxx @PyropeCostumes Don’t worry! I think I found the perfect balance! 🦘👔: @SparkleKreation 📸:@colby_…
@Yukon_Wolf Right away!!
@DogTibbs @TrebleHusky I knew when I saw this earlier you wouldn’t be too far behind
@LordNegaduck @LucaWuff @KibaRinWolf It’s hard! All I can say is consistently having it and advertising the heck out of it is the best way. We have ours on a very consistory day/time making it easy to plan for
@NolanPolar @SilverCruxx @PyropeCostumes Hehe no worries! You didn’t offend at all. We joke about how this type of photo looks like this all the time
@polycereal Notifications have been all over the place for me. Not receiving comment notifications on a post, some likes, it’s completely screwed. I am having to go look at posts to see what’s up
@DoppioAmore @SilverCruxx @PyropeCostumes Whatever get over here and rub it
@ShawthePig @PyropeCostumes For me personally it’s all natural, but a lot of suiters in your position will have padding added, similar to digi grade leggings
@NickiTheDeer It was real easy to delete Barq after it was found out the owner bought a new DHC suit. It’s amazing how much spam crap went down when I did that also
Who wants to give me rubs like this? 😳🥺
@BDawgTheHusky @Kudenfox @PyropeCostumes Awww thank you! ^.^
@BDawgTheHusky I wish I did! Unfortunately all I have is a king room and it’s full
@KryptonSvingar Yeah! I was gonna trade it for the blazer, with CarPlay being a major reason for doing so
@ShadowisLewd I should haha
@TogoHusky @KhoiTheCoyger @WildAcai @WaggeryCos Looking great fellow curl! We must dominate with our cuteness
@astronomytiger Astro get out of that before you get fur all in it
@SkyArrowOryks @PyropeCostumes >\\\\<
@RaighoHusky @PyropeCostumes Aaah! You’re getting me all blushy
Yeah. It sucks when people think we have the vision and hearing of our suit heads, when it turns out we’re wearing earmuffs and blinders. Please be careful folks! Also never touch a suiter without getting consent every time.
📌 Hey there! I'm Colby, a husky based out of the southern US. 📸 Photographer,🐶Fursuiter and trying to be a good boy. ✨ ✨ 📸 📸 I also suit as @/chaoswuff occasionally. My newest suit is by @/PyropeCostumes
@BDawgTheHusky Definitely
@BDawgTheHusky On my way
Just got done spending a couple amazing weeks with my favorite wolf, @Yukon_Wolf . I hope everyone had an amazing time at TFF and can't wait for the next adventure at FWA! Wondering where I'm going next? I keep a full schedule here: ✂️ @PyropeCostumes
@Bluehasia They make SATA style SSDs in the M.2 format also. This is the difference between M-Key and B-Key drives. Everything you're showing here is a NVME based M-Key PCI-E SSD.
@Shep_atNight It’s okay puppy, I know you want more treats, but you gotta earn em.
@Shep_atNight @PyropeCostumes Aww my best friend puppy!
RT @KryptonSvingar: Finally got to see @colby_husky's adorable new suit! I'm in love. Also ofc the dorks @Yukon_Wolf and especially @Kudenf…
@DecoyWolff Hmm?
@PupsterCA @Pengo_the_otter Pengo looks great in Thor! Now they need their own suit
RT @AsterTheMoose: So glad that I got to spend time with @Yukon_Wolf and @colby_husky again! And meeting @ThewayMutt!! Also Yukon is best d…
@polycereal So much fun! Crossed this off the bucket list
@AskFrontier Replied via DMs
UPS international express is a scam. They give you dates they guaranteed cannot hit, then ask for the same documentation multiple times at like 2am to make sure it gets stuck in a warehouse. It’s just my luck…
YALL HES IN A BOX. Estimated delivery THURSDAY at NOON. Expect unboxing later
@LupieTheShepard Booo I’m gonna miss the hecc outta ya
It’s an honor to be on Polycereal’s list. <3
@peaceskyy Yo I’m gonna be there… Hopefully with a new suit 👀
@Pengo_the_otter @DFWFurs Knocked it out of the park! Great job!
@PupsterCA I can’t wait to see ya! I need to give you a big hug
@TheLeglessLion @FurryFiesta Come to my panel if you’re going to TFF!
@TheLeglessLion @FurryFiesta Not necessary at all! You can do so much with just your phone!
@teenytinylimey Gotta hook ‘em somehow! I hope people enjoy it a lot though!
@CarterYeen @FurryFiesta You found something already in my slides!
@polycereal @FurryFiesta omg poly you take great photos <3 trust me I love the photos you've sent me.
@SilverCruxx @polycereal @FurryFiesta Imma beat you up. You’re a cutie
@clempty @FurryFiesta Oh definitely! Hahahah it’s so bad
@Toxinthewolf Boo. Don’t let them get under your skin! You look great in your hood
@TakotaSaber @CarouseHoss Great photo with a super cute subject!
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation ALL OF THE ABOVE OF COURSE
@forgifuzzbutt Someone is trying to penetrate you…
@techni_cal The cult of butts
RT @FictionTheHusky: Like this post if you’re a sucker for being called “ Good boy”
Had a great time in Denver but glad to be heading home. I was so busy here and I’m exhausted. Got a very busy month ahead though!
@AsterTheMoose Get rekt
@AsterTheMoose 1. Yourself
RT @KibaRinWolf: Do you believe?? Our DFA group had a fun fursuit outing at the Grandscape! Lots of positivity & plenty of photos for memo…
Everything seems to be on track for Colby 2.0. I'm so excited!
@forgifuzzbutt you're surprised?
@KryptonSvingar @DogTibbs That needs to change lol
@eccypup I like me some Braums! I just never think about it
@Horsefur1 mmhm, quite a few locations. though again... i havent had a great experience...
@Horsefur1 Here in TX
@Horsefur1 I have never had a good experience at zaxbys. Consistently cold and dry at the same time
@DogTibbs Yesss💯💯💯💯💯
@LuckySvens The tenders slap. Definitely a highlight. I love their fries too personally
@forgifuzzbutt I only use Lightroom on my M1 Pro Mac now. It seriously is so good for photo workflows
@ZeroTheHusky Gah! Don’t call me out
I was supposed to have my entire afternoon in the Bay Area. This time is so important to me and it’s just fucked.
Correction. I’m at an hour waiting for my bag.
@AmericanAir has completely failed with AA1175 today. 2 hour delay just to get on the plane. No idea why 1 hour delay because they let a drunk on the plane who threw up. 15 min delay after landing because of stuff in the way of the gate. 30min bag delay. Fucking shameful
@forgifuzzbutt You’re gonna love it. I’ve been using my 14” for a while now
@thebluebadger P U B B Y. So cute
@BrooksDoggo Yo
@SilverCruxx @RADHuskySki @SkyNightFurry1 @DogTibbs
@AthyLion @SilverCruxx @SkyNightFurry1 @DogTibbs Of course he did
@LionBoyTank Yeah this is super frustrating! Zoos are not valid, I bet this is just a child wanting attention.
So excited whenever I get to do debut photos. Go show some love for Tibbs new suit: Arizona!
@TiggerPup91 Hoping for the best and a speedy recovery. I know how scary these moments can be.
@StrykerWolf13 Come over I have doughnuts
@panda_paco @arronieo @DipperTheFolf @DuskAraiguma @PandDeSal @foxdros @LuckyOreoPup @TwigaTheGiraffe These are amazing! Thank you so much!
🥹😊😍😋 looking like a good day
@Yukon_Wolf 👀 👀 👀
RT @WaggeryCos: Meet Fraiser!! @thebluebadger This Adorable Saint Bernard will pounce you with his softness and floppy ears! Keep an eye…
@WaggeryCos @thebluebadger Such a cute suit!! Loved taking debut photos 😍
@Yukon_Wolf @RitzCostumes Ah! Be careful it’s sour!
Secured a room for AC, luckily we were only after a king room
@BDawgTheHusky Hella sad. Don’t do it
@DecoyWolff @KyashKT Woof! :3
@thebluebadger Very cute! never delete :3
@Corbick The main developer bought a DHC suit
Dang it felt really easy to uninstall barq today.
@October_Tiger @telegram There is a way to disable it
@DecoyWolff Also you’re a brat. Sounds about right.
@AthyLion @SSmoobles_Art Wow!! So good!!!!
@October_Tiger I actually belong in the discount bin. Store is gonna be stuck with me a while ;)
@ReiBoF3 @DFWFurs @StrykerWolf13 @crossthewolf @VelleLion @gjaravont @TiceShark @chewydoge Thank you!
@Yukon_Wolf @BanditRaccoon1 @CelloPianoWolf But he wants that!
@CajunNightmare Im glad we’re here! I hope for a smooth recovery
@AthyLion It’s the cabbit cabin
@everestdutchi Aaaaah oh my goodnessssss!!! Such a cutieeeee
@crinklyheeler I literally have a diaper grab bag with a sippy cup, outfit, and paci ready to go
@October_Tiger That’s hot.
@Corbick “Are you seeing spots?” Uhhhh
@PupsterCA @thebluebadger needs to try this for sure.
Had to use two third party tools (Lunar and displayplacer) to create a Shortcut on my Mac. All just so that I could consistently put my displays in the right place when I connect my monitor. macOS forgets my settings every time and for some forsaken reason mirrors by default.
@LionBoyTank Heck yeah! Big roar!!
@DecoyWolff @Yukon_Wolf @TurboShamu @GreymyrLynx @TheKarelia That was 2022! It was hilarious
RT @chaoswuff: I'm doing some belly appreciation on #FursuitFriday and man does @Yukon_Wolf have a nice one. 📸 @colby_husky ✂️ @RumWolf h…
@polycereal @Yukon_Wolf @CedarBou Like… it happened so fast. Can’t leave y’all alone
@Sunbur Happy Birthday!!!
RT @chaoswuff: So many great memories were made at #FC2023 . This was an amazing con with so many cool people. I’m living my best life righ…
RT @Yukon_Wolf: Fetch! @polycereal 📸: @colby_husky
@SliptheCabbit I worked with @ArcsOutpost on Etsy for my custom Colby one
@forgifuzzbutt You wouldn’t download a car
@Kudenfox You said boobs lol
@Kudenfox I’m concerned.
@astrotigy See you soon!
@GeemosRants @DFWFurs @StrykerWolf13 @crossthewolf @VelleLion @gjaravont @TiceShark @chewydoge You're welcome! Glad to take photos anytime :)
@MokieMutt @ScottyWuff You’ll see mee!!! Definitely need to hang out
@Voltagewolff117 @jellyfishunite1 You know its true.
@SozanRyker @Yukon_Wolf I'll make sure he comes by and says hi if we see you at another con ;)
@crossthewolf FUCK! Damn you COVID! I am so sorry!!! :(
@Yukon_Wolf Look… respectfully 👀
RT @Yukon_Wolf: Dads come in all different sizes. Found this small one at MFF. @StrohWolverine #FursuitsFriday 🪡: @TheKarelia 📸: @colby_h…
@parafoxical @TheKarelia I love your suit! Thanks for letting me take a photo of ya!
@Kudenfox @RowdyRaptorRugs >:(
Look at this cutie.
@Kudenfox @RowdyRaptorRugs Cause you deserve it :P
@Kudenfox @RowdyRaptorRugs I’m judging you…
@AarontehOtter Yo glad you like it! Looking great!!
RT @TempestTusky: Got some great new photos of Sabi this weekend. Big thanks to @colby_husky ! Thanks for playing with the pupper and sna…
@RowdyRaptorRugs It came out great! I can’t wait to get it!
@BlueWulfey @iamwolfsushiowo @DoppioAmore @Yukon_Wolf Form a line! Behind me! ;)
@Yukon_Wolf The best belly to rub for sure!
@Yukon_Wolf On my way!
@KryptonSvingar @Voltagewolff117 I mean totally!
@SozanRyker You frightened them!
@LangleyManey @WaggeryCos I gotta find ALL the suiters in football pads and take photos! High priority for me
@SozanRyker It was great meeting you sozan!
And with that... #FurFest 2022 comes to an end for me. No more photos from me. Here is a great pic of @SozanRyker with some fun lambs! See all my photos from MFF here: It was a great time and I hope I got a photo of ya. See ya at FC 2022.
@TheKarelia @FurFest Sure! Glad you like em!
@LiminKitty Super useful at conventions and other social meetups. No idea how to replace it
@ShadowIsFurred They let go the whole zenly team like 2 months ago.
@CritterWorkshop Don’t be afraid to do a table runner with your logo on it! Any amount of branding will help. Throw a fun pattern behind it and it’ll look great
@polycereal Make sure to take time for yourself poly! You need to take breaks with water and sleep!
RT @chaoswuff: Hey there… #FursuitFriday at #MFF2022 ✂️ @RumWuff 📸 @colby_husky
RT @furtrack: Hey we know #FurFest hasn't even started yet... but we already got some photos for y'all 👀 Shout out to @colby_husky https:…
Whaaaat. It's Wednesday night and I already have photos ready to go from @FurFest?! So many amazing suiters already out and about, I'm ready for a great weekend! I just wish there was more light :( #furries #furryfandom #furry #FurFest #MFF2022
This is what my 2022 sounded like on @Spotify. Get your #SpotifyWrapped now!
Super busy at MFF! No time to hang out today, sorry y’all >.<
@astrotigy @Yukon_Wolf @FurFest He's multiplying!
@forgifuzzbutt Yo! I'll see ya there!
@DaxterDingo @kigurumikagetsu Amazing!! They did a great job
@AD_Kuden oh wow that's a big commit from you ;) I feel special
Hey there! In case things get crazy - remember you can find all the platforms I'm on at
RT @chaoswuff: Let me tell you a secret… you’re adorable. Other suiter not on Twitter. Both suits by @RumWuff Photo by @colby_husky (tr…
@Yukon_Wolf Woof! I sure do ^.^
Loving this game so far #PlayStationTrophy #PS5Share, #GodofWarRagnarök
RT @Iinux: None of you freeloaders pay so I can't afford the $8 to get verified
@Kudenfox @KibaRinWolf I don’t know what you’re talking about, that fox is a cutie though
RT @Yukon_Wolf: Recreated some stickers at #PawCon22 with this small husky, @ZeroTheHusky. The perfect subject for this one. 📸: @colby_hus…
@Bluehasia Oh look it’s @ZeroTheHusky ! Super cute photo
@polycereal @Yukon_Wolf You can’t lose eye contact with him, he’s always watching
RT @Yukon_Wolf: What are you doing down there, little puppy? #FursuitFriday #PawCon22 🪡: @TheKarelia @RitzCostumes 📸: @colby_husky https…
@Kudenfox What about head scratches?
Exploring... alternative places to post things. I'm now on mastodon!
@CumlordVonFeet @braeburned It’s a fan! These are insanely popular with fursuiters, and they generally have some version of it. The advantage it’s it’s thin enough to fit in the mouth to blow air in. The one he’s using is an o2cool necklace fan.
@polycereal @pacanthro @FurFest @Yukon_Wolf @chaoswuff I'm sure we can figure it out, I'll see you at MFF!
@TheSinclairWolf @Kudenfox But it’s fun to make him beg
@Kudenfox @ShadowIsFurred Greedy
@Kudenfox @ShadowIsFurred One head pat
@Kudenfox @ShadowIsFurred 1/4 rub
@Kudenfox @ShadowIsFurred Half a rub
@forgifuzzbutt #blessed
RT @StrykerWolf13: Waffle needs a surgery that will save his life! He is at the hospital right now Even if you can't donate please just ret…
@RobbieAndCoda @LiminKitty Advanced Chat Management in Telegram Premium is worth it to me. If you have like >200 chats it can add some value. Also a big fan of the higher gif and favorite sticker limits. Also… with how much I use Telegram, I feel ok throwing them a few bucks a month
There are so many more great photos! Thanks for checking it out. If you liked them let me know! I am also probably going to a convention near you! Check out my con schedule at
@RitzCostumes @Yukon_Wolf So fierce! Don’t make him mad!
RT @RitzCostumes: Grrr! It's Yukon the snarly wolf! This was my first time doing a snarl expression and I'm so happy with how he came out.…
@Yukon_Wolf @RitzCostumes Not me… this time!
Well no internet for the doghouse this weekend. Keep us in your minds as we struggle through these trying times.
@rico_husky all the smooch
@astrotigy @colby_hooski It's ok QT
@AeroFox4 Also keep in mind there are hotels on the sky ridge that are not a part of the MFF hotel group. The Hilton was my backup. They may have rooms but I haven’t looked
@JaydenTheProto @taru_draws O…kay
@JaydenTheProto @taru_draws Oh yeah? Need a hug from the husky?
@LowerDolphin600 @taru_draws Hehe I like to tackle people occasionally if I haven’t ran all my energy off
@RedFurPanther @taru_draws Don’t worry it’s comfy :3
@NickKaminsky5 @taru_draws Gotta be strong to pull the sled!
@log0429 @taru_draws Heheh thank ya
@SilverCruxx Is for horses, not wuskies !
@DoppioAmore @AeroFox4 @Yukon_Wolf Don’t think just belly
@SilverCruxx Who let you out of your kennel again? Cute as ush though, don’t blame them
@AeroFox4 @DoppioAmore @Yukon_Wolf We need more bellies to bully him with heheh
@AeroFox4 @DoppioAmore @Yukon_Wolf Cute! I would love to have ya there
@Yukon_Wolf It was the best time ever, thanks for coming and hanging out with me! Can’t wait for the next time
@TacticalWolfie That sounds nice! Count me in for one
@SilverCruxx YES! More plushies for sure! Get all the husky plushies
RT @Yukon_Wolf: I just got home from #ttfc2022, and visiting with my puppy @colby_husky. I had a great time, and met lots of new furs! Than…
RT @TTFurcon: #TTFC2022 was huge! 860 attendees 225 suiters $16k+ for @arfok 2023 theme: Wild Wild West! See you next year, Sept 1-3, 2023!
@ShadowLanius Absolutely! I got a new kigu for him
@sir_sqwanch Just wanna line up the photo
@DiorHusky @twisthound!
@DogTibbs !!!!
@taru_draws @micks_the_lion Aaah Micks this came out so good!!!
@polycereal @BNCreation Aaah!! It looks amazing! I can’t wait to take photos of you in suit!
@CajunNightmare Looks super good and comfy!!
RT @HansFaffing: Credit your photographers. Pet your photographers. Collar and leash up your photographer. Ask your photographer how he's…
@FiddleTheLemur @chaoswuff @DogTibbs @RumWuff @SparkleKreation Best boi!
RT @zrayUH: FREE SLOTS FOR EVERYFUR EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE ARE... ✨✨✨OPEN✨✨✨ Want to join this chaotic and fun poster redraw? 👀💦 DROP YO…
@SparksFurArt They make clip on filters for phones!
@SparksFurArt You need an Neutral Density (ND) Filter for whatever camera you’re using, it has the ability to eliminate certain wavelengths of light without a loss of color or clarity
RT @doesithaveabear: Bear and Breakfast has a bear! You play as a grizzly bear named Hank who runs a bed and breakfast.…
@RiffTheDane @RobbieAndCoda @Toxinthewolf Tonight was quite the ride! So many amazing performances.
@TigertheMeerkat @TokaiSuiting So adorable <3
@ThatPurpleFox Shit fuuuck. I’m glad you’re ok!
@NikoSnep @ciderthesnep Cause there is nothing wrong with a high quality shit post.
It’s already going down here at #TFS2022
@CumDusky That’s pretty gay
@techni_cal Awooo!!! Thank you so much! Super cute 🥰
@StrykerWolf13 This was the morning rollercoaster ride I needed.
@ciderthesnep Dog… why do you let this dude take photos of you.
So I’m currently on NyQuil and mucinex and it’s the closest to being high I’ve ever gotten. Make my sinuses go away now krthxbai.
@ciderthesnep Yeah he extra gay
@ciderthesnep Oh gross who’s this guy
panic panic panic. It's not cool to be called out like this.
@SilverCruxx @StormiFolf I’m just husky. You know how curls are
@SilverCruxx @StormiFolf You don’t qualify for credit
@SilverCruxx You look great in both!
@rippstonx @/PyropeCostumes @/RumWuff @/Roofur @/SparkleKreation
@RhysCorgi @SliptheCabbit Con boyfriend?
@hermuxbadger Thank ya
@DiaxoYomi @ClownCarCritter Heheh I love belly rubs! ^.^
@HarleyCoyote @chaoswuff No you!
@HarleyCoyote @ClownCarCritter Well you’re tugging me along! Let’s go!
@HarleyCoyote @ClownCarCritter Awoo! Now what to do with it!!!
@RealSushiDerg @ClownCarCritter Awww thank you! You’re cute also!
@MARVOLtiger I'm on my way kitten! Be ready for husky!
@RiffTheDane @ClownCarCritter Please! I would love that ^.^
@DrachieChubDrag @ClownCarCritter awww thank ya! I appreciate that ^.^
@ShadowLanius Definitely
@Knoxxthelion It’s good to be fuzzy! Now wear the whole bodysuit
@KizmaHusky What is up with today and being particularly bad? I’m so ready to be off
@July_Husky Yay!!! Have a blast for me please!
@DiorHusky Yes let’s do it!
This is the vibe I need. who wants to come snuggle up with a husky?
@CooperTehHoosk But you are such a good boy! So I get to just state facts.
@LionBoyTank Aaaah! Have a blast! It’s gonna be a great time I’m sure.
RT @The_Lion_Thing: 🌟GIVEAWAY TIME!🌟 I'm gonna be giving away a custom front and back daki piece! (digital only) TO ENTER: Please follow…
RT @chaoswuff: I got a wolf's nose! I got a wolf's nose! heheheheehehe @CharlietheWuff is such a cutie! 📸 @colby_husky (sssh, it's me 🤣)…
RT @jkbibliophile: Delete your period tracking apps today.
RT @The_Kanut: Now is the time to get angry and upheave civil peace. In every way you can. Direct it at our representatives. Make them scar…
RT @PPact: We know what politicians want because it's already happening: to ban abortion state by state—& eventually a national ban. But, l…
RT @LionBoyTank: No cause if you support anything the Supreme Court is doing right now with Roe v Wade and possibly Gay marriage actually g…
@TiggerPup91 Yoooo these are so cool. @DogTibbs check it outttt
RT @TiggerPup91: Hey all, let's end Pride Month with style! For this last week, I'm running a giveaway- five winners will receive Crowned w…
@AthyLion @RigelDerg @Vironect NO RUNNING WITH THE KNIFE! *chases*
@AthyLion @RigelDerg @Vironect WHO GAVE YOU THE KNIFE.
@RoughKuddles @MadeFurYou @furtrack Ruff! Lemme give you a big hug
@Voltagewolff117 If I had room I would offer! But we’re full
@Kudenfox @DFWFurs @KibaRinWolf @StratusShepherd @trainzguy261 @Umbra_Neko @ScottietheFox1 @TiceShark @KryptonSvingar @EWolfdragon @chewydoge I DON'T GET HOW YOU DIDN'T DIE. IT WAS SO HOT
@AthyLion You're not ready! *tackle cuddles*
@AthyLion I'm on my way! Make room for Husky!
RT @chaoswuff: BOO! D-Did I scare ya?! 📸 @BiggestLittleFC ✂️ @RumWuff #FursuitFriday #furryfandom #furry #fursuiter…
I've been caught in another @Pneudle video! These are always so nice!
@DogTibbs Yus!
@AthyLion I-IMPOSTER! What did you do with our Athy?!?! Don't you dare hurt him.
@DoberDoggo Please I beg you! Don't sacrifice me!
@AthyLion Ugh this sucks, don't worry we will have a blast at TFS :3 I'm NOT GONNA MISS YOU THIS TIME.
@AthyLion This is unacceptable! Heracy! A cabbit NEEDS his wagon.
@knotjoke @Indycoone Smoochies!
@StrykerWolf13 join me~
@StrykerWolf13 Sure is!
Look at this adorable cutie! Come bid on him!
@StrykerWolf13 @Pizza_Shep Get itttttt - Become my fursuit brother.
@hroarDark aww- muzzled pup just trying to do what's natural~ maybe one day.
RT @Sora_gryphon: Look at all that glass 📷📷📷🙏📷📷📷 📸 @RykerHusky 📅 #BLFC2022 fursuit photographer + furtrack meetup Thanks everyone who ca…
@CapriciouslyAz1 @ShadowLanius It’s ok! It sucks but it’s all a part of the risk
@Riot_Kaiju @ShortLeggyMike @doodle__drawz @EtherialFerret I hope you had an excellent con! Now time for the next one
@crow_enzo @Mojomadness1 It looks so good!
RT @chaoswuff: All great things must come to an end. I made so many memories with Chaos this weekend. I can’t wait until next year #BLFC202…
RT @FictionTheHusky: If you’re reading this tweet, you’re a slut for affection.
@ShutterWolf Agreed!!!
@peaceskyy @Mojomadness1 THEY ARE SO NICE
@PupsterCA I’m keeping a lookout
@KryptonSvingar Just buy laser and leave inkjets behind
@PupsterCA @SirBuddyDFW *grins* hi puppy
@PupsterCA @SirBuddyDFW You can distract him with a stick
@KooperShiba @jayfoxcat @robbiesets Thanks! I’m so happy with how it came out
@KryptonSvingar @PupsterCA @DogTibbs Same maker! @SparkleKreation
@polycereal I have only posted like 4 of over 80 so far hahah
@polycereal @jayfoxcat @robbiesets It was like 10 min into the Kigu Boys set! About 10 min before they cleared the stage
@DoberDoggo @jayfoxcat @robbiesets It did become "too much" and about 10min after this photo they had to clear the stage for safety concerns.
@BurrblesBear Adorable! Hopefully I get a selfie with ya this weekend :3
About to go to bed but I have SO MANY good photos from tonight. Y’all ain’t ready
@Latinvixen Did you import the bones? Looks like dynamic bones might not be in the project
@Riot_Kaiju Same to you! Thanks for saying hi! I hope your first con continues to go well
@PupsterCA Oh I LOVE that stand. How much does it collapse?
@Riot_Kaiju @TheSquidLaunch When I get in town I would be interested! Not quite to Reno yet.
@AthyLion @RigelDerg All the hugs for you
@equus21pro You two are adorable!
@BlizzardWusky @DumbCoyote @IcefoxWorks OMG THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER
@Cubordinate Omg he’s adorable
@AthyLion Come snug
@AthyLion Scar-e! Must hide from cabbit
@Ryleigh_Tiggy You’ve been replaced 😂
@AthyLion Athy… I feel like we need to talk about this… I’m concerned 😂🤣
@AthyLion @RigelDerg NUGGIES! Let's split a 20 piece.
@TiggerPup91 More lions is always an excellent answer
@KizmaHusky I think you just need to research it more... a lot more
@khalifayote BLFC Hype! Hope to see you there!
@gundam00jc @luke_spots @ClownCarCritter Heheh thanks! Luke does such good work
@joewhit74205030 @luke_spots @ClownCarCritter Thank you!
@AthyLion @ALittleChaosDev ADORABLE. Let's dance together.
@polycereal @CoastHusky @PrimalSuits @KzinTiger Ruff! Sounds nice to meeeee
@CoastHusky @PrimalSuits @KzinTiger *takes paw* let’s go! Where we going? :3
@SilverCruxx @SHADOWPAW_ @lemonbrat Thank you <3
@FoxPseudo @luke_spots @ClownCarCritter It’s the best day of the week made EVEN BETTER by all the cute furs on Twitter!
@ChubsAZ @luke_spots @ClownCarCritter Meep! >/////< thank you
RT @chaoswuff: Standing tall and proud 🏳️🌈 on this #FursuitFriday - Who am I gonna meet at #BLFC2022 ? 📸 @SaltyBaycan ✂️ @RumWuff https…
@RileyTheCollie What do you think about the dream wall? It feels a little excessive to me. I'm worried someone will put it in an insecure location because its mounted on the wall.
RT @s0ceans: Just to be clear: I never *dont* want uppies. There has never been a bad time for uppies. I will never be displeased by rec…
@BouToon OMG How exciting! Happy Birthday!!!
@polycereal @DFWFurs @SliptheCabbit @RightyBuster @ShadowIsFurred @chaoswuff @SkyNightFurry1 @StratusShepherd @DogTibbs @Kudenfox @PezWolf @CCoyote0 @KibaRinWolf @SilverCruxx @EWolfdragon Trust me - the thing you can't see is all the sweat >.< It is SO HOT and we were dying.
RT @KibaRinWolf: Last weekend in Dallas was full of fun! Check out the full video on Youtube (twitter limited to 2mins), link below: Yout…
@Ryleigh_Tiggy @SilverCruxx @AthyLion *bats with rolled up newspaper* bad kitty
@Ryleigh_Tiggy @SilverCruxx @AthyLion Ack! Get out of there!
@SilverCruxx @AthyLion Don’t worry pup, Athy will take good care of it I’m sure
@SilverCruxx @AthyLion @Vironect You didn’t need it anyways
@Kaynon220 @coltofox You're looking super cute Kaynon!
@chely_loveheart WAG! 1. Air Conditioning 2. Shade 3. Have fun! Truthfully you're gonna love it here. I'll show you some of my favorite spots :)
@AthyLion @Vironect You are cute, but you don't get my wallet. How about this instead? *gives you @SilverCruxx 's wallet*
@ciderthesnep Oh no it's spreading. I'm gay also.
RT @chaoswuff: You join a call at work and you see this wolf on the other side, what do you do? #furry #furryfandom #TummyTuesday https:/…
bork bork bork am doggo
@AthyLion HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARKS! So glad we've had another year of this amazing bean on the planet. Can't wait for many more.
@knotjoke Hmmmm…
Fun weekend full of fur! Look at all these fuzzy cuties! Suiters: @KudenSfw @StratusShepherd Neroli @RoyaleJackal @SkyNightFurry1 @Indycoone @knotjoke and @LatchFox See all the photos here I'll be posting more. #furry #furryfandom @DFWFurs
@ClaiborneAmber @DFWFurs Suiters are @KudenSfw, @StratusShepherd, @SkyNightFurry1, @LatchFox, Neroli, and @RoyaleJackal Hope you had a fun time meeting some local furries!
@polycereal @LionBoyTank Yus! I am so happy with how it came out.
@GayPunkBleater @LionBoyTank Wag!
@gundam00jc @LionBoyTank thank you!
@LionBoyTank Not sure.
@LionBoyTank I have a friend in a really awkward situation of... currently paid for a suit from them that isn't delivered.
@snappypupper on my way.
@LionBoyTank Next stop is fullsuit, which is in the works...
OMG! I am super excited to have a brand new ref by the ever wonderful @LionBoyTank He did a wonderful job brining out the character and sillyness of Colby! Also - there is a minor change to him, he now has navy feetpaws! Can't wait to get so much more with the good boy!
@rico_husky Gladly~ Soft fuzzy belly needs all the rubs.
@micks_the_lion Ruff! Wish I could have helped ;)
@AthyLion @SilverCruxx He's cornered!
RT @chaoswuff: I'm looking for the con... I think it might be up there! #FursuitFriday 📸 @SaltyBaycan ✂️ @RumWuff #furry #furryfandom…
@NickiTheDeox @DogTibbs @SparkleKreation Actually yeah this doesn’t have my typical edits on it! Looks amazing though Nicki!
@Alysterwolf @polycereal I’m just a husky looking for rubs!
@DoppioAmore Barely getting a grip on coming to terms with my weight. Buy a shirt at 3x when I normally wear 2x from a gay clothing brand. Totally doesn’t fit and feels more like a medium. Really fucks with my head and now I feel like shit and put me back 2 years of work.
I was very quickly reminded tonight why I hate gay culture… I am glad I have the fandom.
@BurrblesBear Jeez! They better make a decision soon!
@KudenSfw But adorable fox!
@KudenSfw Look at the adorable fox!
@SilverCruxx No I’m just dumb. Green is the third option
@ShadowLanius holy shit I did >.< Damn I am an idiot.
@RobbieAndCoda @GshepMilo @DogTibbs @EmericShep we need one.
@EmericShep @GshepMilo @DogTibbs It's sad but now you know!
@micks_the_lion Dang- worth it~
Oooh! Happy Gshep day @GshepMilo @DogTibbs @EmericShep
@KryptonSvingar Grrrr
@RobbieAndCoda 🤔
Tell me, what am I to you? 🔴 intimidating, always on tl, scared to dm or interact 🔵 chaotic af, never shuts up, a whole circus 🟢 soft mutual, baby, friendly, would protect 🟡 lowkey crush
@SaltyBaycan @RobbieAndCoda To have two handsome cuties in my room <3
Anyone needing a room in the GSR for BLFC? I have a double queen room for 6/2 - 6/5 and looking for roommates! If you're interested hmu.
@ScottietheFox1 @chaoswuff @RobbieAndCoda @SkyNightFurry1 @CharlietheWuff @wetpuscat oh no! We need to get those numbers up!
RT @chaoswuff: #FWA2022 was an absolute blast. So many amazing friends met, and so many amazing furs hugged. Thank you so much to @FurryWee…
@AthyLion oh no, what did you do to the poor door?!
@ShadowisLewd @chaoswuff @RobbieAndCoda @SkyNightFurry1 @CharlietheWuff @wetpuscat Yus! Take the spot in the middle
@Husko_Andres F. Hopefully they can squeeze you in on another flight
RT @chaoswuff: Had a nightmare going through the Atlanta Airport on the way home. When sending Chaos' head through the scanner, a residue…
@July_Husky @LionBoyTank Seriously! 1000% agree.
RT @chaoswuff: FWA has had me jumping with joy! I hope everyone has been having a blast! 📸 @SaltyBaycan ✂️ @RumWuff…
@DobieShep Dude! It looks awesome!
@AthyLion And that’s scary. Still Iove ya though crime lord
@CoastHusky @PrimalSuits @Zalno Gotta be chill~ Lookin comfy!
RT @chaoswuff: Badge is ready… I’m here at FWA. Maybe suit later… I’m not sure 😏 Badge by the ever wonderful @TiggerPup91…
@everestdutchi Flying! ✈️ and thanks! Miss y’all already
I’m on my way! See you soon Atlanta!
@AthyLion WHO LET YOU IN THERE?! They have no idea what they've done.
@DoberDoggo @DeckardShep @CallMeRaster @Cedar_Wolf @VelleLion Adorable pack!
FWA flight is in a couple hours and I am still packing >.<
@shreddyfox I mean. For me I do have unlimited PTO, so yes that’s how I’m doing it
@CoastHusky Oooh wag! I hope to give you a big hug!
@AthyLion Boy you only gonna get pets when you get in the wagon so I can tug!
RT @barazokudex: Gotta thank @VOTlomduit for the new drip 🦦🔥. Secret pockets everywhere to hide my rocks 😏
@FursonaPins No way. I hope everything is OK. What is wrong with people…
@Alysterwolf FWA 👀
@AkitaPunk Ain’t that the truth, flying into Oakland and roving the rest and it’s still expensive >.<
@AkitaPunk It’s crazy but so hyyype!
@AthyLion Can I join? *evil laughter*
@AthyLion FWA~ though I’m more concerned what you’re thinking about. You’re being extra cute which must mean you’re up to something…
@khalifayote Dood Gratz!! Time to party!!!
@LionBoyTank For home storage I leave my Kigu hung up on my fan hanger. My friends with fullsuits do the same and store the padding in it. For driving travel I have a rolling tote pictured. Then for travel I pray with Southwest 2 checked bags. Trying vacuum bags for flying travel soon!
@khalifayote Ready to be so gay
@BirchDeerWolf @ArcticSkyWolf ooh yes! See you there and I'll give you a big husky hug!
@LionBoyTank @bcsfursuits @AmyJadette @wasabigato waggggggg Yesssss I'm excited!
@LionBoyTank @bcsfursuits @AmyJadette @wasabigato OMG I can't wait to see the boy at FWA! Would it be ok if I took your photo?!
@SubitoKurai @RobbieAndCoda @DumbCoyote @candykingjavert You should! There is so much fun in the local area, including some car meets!
@candykingjavert Calling out @CCoyote0 . It’s his Civic
@AthyLion Boi who gave you a crime tool?
@AthyLion @SkyeCabbit Looking in a mirror? Cause you obviously the cute one here.
@AthyLion @PhotoVention MEEP! *nuzzles* you act like I didn't want to be here.
@AthyLion @SkyeCabbit OMG He's adorable!!!
@ec_otter It was not an issue with a company. I was supposed to be riding in initially.
@micks_the_lion Bet! Let's fix it and get you plenty of photos.
Having to overpay for plane tickets for FWA because your existing plans were canceled THREE WEEKS AGO and were never told... FUCKING MINT. FUCKING DAMMIT.
@AthyLion @PhotoVention OMG THE BEANSSSSS *messes with*
RT @Pizza_Shep: Everyone tough till the group chat logs get leaked.
@Pizza_Shep Holy dog this is a mood.
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation Always for the goodest boy *yeets across the park*
@NitroShep @UnoOtter Let me check. *sniff* mmm. It might be good if I wash your back :3
@Zebbunny @Pizza_Shep On my way. This is too cute not share
@AthyLion Gonna tug.
I just wanna be a husky, is that so hard? Gosh all of this is just exhausting.
Literally the lack of capital letters is infuriating.
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation All the head pats for you! And what’s this I have? 🎾
@DayzerHusky Did the same recently! Spring cleaning is nice!
This is a standing offer to anyone in the DFW metroplex. If you don't have your COVID vaccine and the only reason you don't is your scared of retaliation, please come spend two weekends for me while we get you vaccinated. Your health is your choice, don't let someone bully you.
@Sullyfluffy Yayayayya! Happy Birthday!
@AnxiousKittyeh Seriously so good! And the riddler was a top notch portrayal. I am excited with how grungy they made Gotham
@AthyLion Athy stop trying to eat yourself.
@khalifayote On my way handsome
@gundam00jc They’re so nice but very expensive for sure
@ShadowLanius No they use a larger wire to prevent that with plenty of insulation
@StrykerWolf13 Gotta open the F R U N K
@ClaytonConway65 *big hugs* I hope you have a great weekend!
@StrykerWolf13 @WaggeryCos Such a good boy! Adorable ☺️ can’t wait to take more photos!
RT @Sunbur: Oh man, I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once and it was amazing. Absolutely best movie of the year hell probably going t…
@Pizza_Shep I would love to be there!
@AthyLion Omg Athy this is the most adorable thing ever and I want to do it now
@khalifayote If you need a place I gotchu. Guest bed free in a house full of furries near DFW airport. hmu on telegram @/colbyhusky
@LinoYeen But they have everything! Oh nooooo /s
TikTok is crazy.
@ShadowIsFurred Such a cute derg! Thanks for coming and letting me take your photo!
RT @Pengo_the_otter: Very tweety otter today I am! But gonna slam dunk this group shot of AFM from this weekend because its a good'n! Gon…
@trainzguy261 @StrykerWolf13 Also if you want studio shots, I take photos here in Dallas at my home studio!
@trainzguy261 @StrykerWolf13 All in and around Deep Ellum, Texas Discovery Gardens, many of the Parks in DFW are gorgeous and have tons of foliage.
Also @RightyBuster
@AuzurialPrints Aaa! Husky hugs inbound!
@morrowuff @ChatahSpots Adorable strut!
@RiffTheDane @Shiny_Kandy @FursuitSupplies Not without a fight! *tackles*
@ShadowLanius Center! Gotta handle the ball carefully :3
RT @Sullyfluffy: Happy #FursuitFriday ! 🥰
@LionBoyTank I don't even know why this has to be a topic of discussion. But I completely agree with you
RT @LionBoyTank: Listen y’all and listen good. This page is a safe space for women/afab folk. We don’t deal with that misogynistic/transph…
I just registered for TFS2022! Sooo excited! @FurrySiesta #furcon #furry #furryfandom @furryconvention
@horrorbuns MX Master 3. Worth the hundred bucks and is the best mouse I have ever used. Works on bluetooth so no need for dongle and the thumb button is perfect for workspace switching
@AuzurialPrints Come to FWA with me!
@AthyLion I'll share my nuggies.
RT @DFWFurs: The April furmeet calendar is here #DFWFurs! Please refer to the key to see what is required to attend each meet! 🧵- below i…
@AthyLion Best joke yet. Athy we know better, your blood is more bang than water.
@Soren_InTheSky @FruitsOfElune Fruity 🍒
@AzurelHusky @ArzureBunny @FursuitParade Yus! Let's go on walkies together good boy!
@micks_the_lion @itschrysolite @BlueHarborC Bark! Looking good!
@gundam00jc @DoktorTheHusky Aww that’s ok!
@HumphreyMuski @Shep_Reese So ready for a relaxing weekend!
RT @LionBoyTank: Happy #TransDayOfVisibility to all my Trans brothers, sisters, and siblings!! I’ve officially been trans for 4 years! It’s…
@FusionFloof Wow what the fuck. The workplace is not a place for this at all, let alone around kids. Damn that sucks.
@mystDingo Oh I see! Lemme see if I can find the fabric for you.
@Sig_Shep I’ll gladly get you more! I’m also at FWA with gear in tow
@DogTibbs We neeeed to see it!
@Kudenafterdark Just because I enjoy being single doesn’t mean I can’t want to be puppy boyfriend
@SEGY_ He looks sooooo cute
RT @Pengo_the_otter: Starting off some posting with these two fellas~ Gotta say @RoyaleJackal shown up in a ton of my pics unintentionally…
@jikerdor All of the above.
@polycereal Yup. I don’t try to be daddy though
RT @SaltyChocoMilk: Me, newly minted version.
Who needs a puppy boyfriend? I’m here to please
@micks_the_lion mmm- sounds like a lack of cuddles.
@HornyHelldog How do you manage being so hot? What haven’t you tried yet that you want to try?
@AthyLion All the headpats for you <3 *pats vigorously*
@SilverCruxx @AthyLion Doubt, you don't shower with me so I can't be for sure.
@SilverCruxx It's okay wusky! It's easy to get busy and just know that we're here for you <3
RT @s0lar5ail0r: Zero. Tolerance. For. Abusers. Hold. Your. Peers. And. Your. Friends. Accountable. I will be leaving a lot of groups a…
@MarkAninoYoung @bertha_declair mmm- foood. I send this as I am actively eating
@MarkAninoYoung @bertha_declair I appreciate the use of this gif greatly.
@ZitoTheHusky Definitely sending @RobbieAndCoda your way! He’s been showing me a lot of DCI and I’ve been loving Carolina Crown
@micks_the_lion Art 👀
@dirtytattedtop It’s needed!
@KizmaHusky @ThiccMommaL I'm really sorry you had this experience. I don't spend a ton of time downtown but I know that when I am generally being furry I have a good time. There is also a lot of things going on every weekend. Tons of meets and a super active community.
@AthyLion @morrowuff More crime?
@RobbieAndCoda @SkyNightFurry1 Adorable <3
@WolfyRageclaw Sounds great to me! :3
@everestdutchi Yay! Well when you come to visit you can stay at my place for sure :3
@ec_otter I miss you! I am gonna be wrapped up in work but hmu.
@KryptonSvingar Asap! Surprised it hasn’t happened yet.
@everestdutchi Arffff! We need you back in Dallas!
@AthyLion Wag! You’re hugs make me feel better Athy!
@WolfyRageclaw Woof! What do you wanna watch? ^.^
Part 2:
Don't give furries a camera that is recording a video. Nonsense will ensue:
Overwhelmed. Who wants to just cuddle and watch a movie?
@PupsterCA @DogTibbs @SparkleKreation He might need a neck brace which how strong you are
@DogTibbs @PupsterCA @SparkleKreation At least he’s not in rage mode! You might have a chance!
@ColeWuff I’m On my way!
@SilverCruxx Your hard work pays off! I’m proud of you wusky! Congratulations
@LionBoyTank omg this is so adorable! I love this ref sheet and he's super handsome! Great work!!
@CharlietheWuff This is everything I needed.
@AthyLion A cabbit wagon on its way to commit crimes.
@RobbieAndCoda Amazing!
@AthyLion @Thunder_aDragon @The_Kanut @Worm_Soup @CooperTehHoosk So much crime, so little time. Gotta move up to piracy.
@Damien_Tiggy Set no expectations, throw out the schedule, and have a blast! But no if you wanna know more hmu
@MarkAninoYoung Hyyype! See you then
@Damien_Tiggy Yeah!!! TFS Hyyype
@AnxiousKittyeh Texas Furry Siesta! The sister con to TFF!
Just some light spring cleaning before more cons! Here's my upcoming schedule: FWA - May 5th-8th BLFC - June 2nd-5th AC - June 30-July 3rd TFS - August 26th-29th ACFI - October 7th-9th MFF - December 1st-4th If you're going to any let me know!! :3
@CharlietheWuff I DID NOTHING.
@ghosty_cult @Rocky_Dog21 Adorable!!
@AthyLion I heard nothing, what was that?
@AthyLion Awww you’re such a wonderful friend, even if you leave a trail of crime behind you :3
@KotaHusky @ColeWuff I’m gonna be ordering these! Thanks for the recommendation
@MisuOtter @EchoFoxeh Definitely the best rave here
I'm sad that #TFF2022 is over, but everyone I got to hang out with was a critical part of making my con special. I got so many photos I'm proud of, including this one of the definitely cute @SukaVulpe See all my photos from TFF here: #furry #furryfandom
@GshepMilo @TiggerPup91 Mmm. I mean huskies are better but Sheps are a close second :3
@GshepMilo @TiggerPup91 Yes! A cutie just like you!
@peaceskyy Of course! Thank you for being such an awesome fur!
@RexDaFurry Me me me!
@Shep_Reese Awww you're so cute when you try to be scary *pets*
@snugsthehusky D-Do you have any games on your phone?
@BurrblesBear This is a mood! So well said
@taru_draws It came out so good!
@colinskully608 Recycle unless you have a use case, I keep extra screws in them!
@Fenrisfolf @MadeFurYou @ValdorFox I can’t like this enough! So adorable and cute! 😍😍😍
@Pup_Arsyn Yesplz
@SliptheCabbit I’m proud of you! Have a great day!
@peaceskyy Yay!!! Happy birthday!
@mushovers @manateepond Hmm? Can't see original tweet :(
@BurrblesBear Looking cute in the bowling alley!
@DogTibbs @PupsterCA *Tosses stick and bone to distract* the ball shall be MINE! Then I’ll share :3
@peaceskyy @KryptonSvingar @SkyNightFurry1 @SilverCruxx @DogTibbs @DFWFurs @LucaWuff @Umbra_Neko TFF !
Charging the car while getting breakfast before a meet? That’s nice #furry
@BurrblesBear woof! You can come be my service pup ;)
@AthyLion oooh, when the cabbit is thinking about getting into trouble.
@Jinxthelynx @FursuitGlasses Thanks!
@DogTibbs Good boy!
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation Do you really want the bone... or would you prefer 🎾 instead? *tosses*
Get some time with Kiba! You'll be super happy with what you get!
@BlizzardWusky No gods only dogs
@ArtsRunolf Wag
@Rol_The_Spirit @AthyLion STICK!!!!
@AthyLion Awww thank you
I was lucky enough to be selected for the BLFC room draw! Room secured at the @GrandSierra ! Thanks @BiggestLittleFC
Talk about an ultimate #FursuitFriday! Can you find me? Thanks @DoktorTheHusky and @Anthro_NE !
@AthyLion @FurryFiesta See you there!
@KaizerWolf13 Oh you poor soul.
@RileyTheCollie @Rol_The_Spirit @FurryFiesta I’m going! So excited!
@KaizerWolf13 Yay congratulations and welcome to the club! May your shots be clear and your wallet empty!
@xenofloofball Haha thanks! I hope you enjoy my content :3
@go_away1238 @DFWFurs So I haven't seen a calendar posted yet, but Arlington Fur Meet is generally the second Sunday of every month, so it should be the 13th. @ToboeWolfsbane would be able to confirm.
@SilverCruxx You got this! You gotta make the choice that makes sense for you, and you first!
@corgi_europa @KryptonSvingar awwwwwwwwwwwwww adorable! Great work :3
RT @colby_hooski: So today is the day I joined Twitter. It's also the day Colby became real and marks one year of me being a part of the fa…
@ec_otter Let’s do it TFF22
@Alphiesmolfox Including your own!
@corgi_europa wag!
@KryptonSvingar Use your fire breath!
@corgi_europa Aww - you're making me blush :)
@ThatCheeseDerg I’d beg for snuggles.
@Caesar_The_W0lf I’m planning to go to FWA! Looks like a good con!
@RushCoyote Pets? o.o yes please
Managed to sneak in for registration and room lottery for #blfc2022. I wish everyone else luck!
@ZeppelinCoyote Omg a hunt must commence. Invite all your dog friends over to help sniff them out. But in all seriousness I hope you find them
@MarkAninoYoung Awww thank you so much for the kind words :3 an excellent subject for sure! *hugs*
@ZitoTheHusky @gabethecollie *raises paw* m-me? :3
@DogTibbs This is soooo cute! Definitely need to play with the good boy in the pool
RT @DFWFurs: Guess what's coming back? That's right- get ready for bowling, food, and furry friends! Furbowl is returning THIS Sunday! #DFW…
@H0rny_Hellhound @/PyropeCostumes offers SPH as an option on their suits, and I ordered that from them on my full body
Omg this is the cutest! Check it out and give the creator some love
@FusionFloof @PyropeCostumes !
@GrymAfterDark @DobieShep @EmericShep Big agree!
@KafeiKaz @starseeker122 @PsychoShadowz @flint_wolfie @bluefire1201 @CyberSwiftBlaze @pineraven @trawk Wag! Glad you had a great con!!
@PupsterCA I can’t wait to see and take photos! Adorable!!
@SizDizzle Rock on! I just posted the full set of photos from the dance comp here:
@HClawtooth @Anthro_NE They did it because it fit in with the theme! Back to the 90s!
@CharlietheWuff Oh no! Recovery cuddles are needed
Rave at @Anthro_NE is lit! Come check it out!
@HClawtooth @Anthro_NE Kinda! The badges at ANE look like Pokémon cards!
@Alysterwolf @kovu342 is in the middle
@DobieShep @EmericShep Y’all are the cutest! Thanks for the letting me take the photo!
RT @adelair_: Jump Around #ANE2022
@ciderthesnep @CharlietheWuff @Anthro_NE UBER PINK! The cutest
@taru_draws BARK! OMG THIS IS THE CUTEST! Thank you so much Taru!!!!
@tavtavern Snugs!
@GshepMilo The dog mobile! It’s so cute
@KryptonSvingar Sending all the positive vibes your way, and when I get back... positive vibe cuddles. Don't worry too hard man we're here for ya.
@R0rek Handsome! Hope to see you and take your photo!
@CYBERDRAGONBETA @kovu342 Oh dog! Why do I have to be in the middle of these two?!
@TheHuskMusic TFF hype!!
@FusionFloof @luke_spots Exciting! If you want DM me and let’s chat! Telegram is just like twitter without the_
@FusionFloof @luke_spots Bark! Would be glad to meet ya! Going to ANE?
@CharlietheWuff You’re a sweetheart and it will be fine! Just be ready for lots of questions!
@SilverCruxx Join us wusky! It’ll be fun! And worth the drive see y’all at #ANE2022
Couple days = overnight. I was having a bad mental health night. Doing better now.
@SmellyStrobes Oh no! But I’m glad to hear your safe. Vehicles can be replaced
I’m taking a break for a couple days
@ThiccMommaL Next time for sure!! I’ll make it a priority
@ThiccMommaL Ugh I know! I kept trying to swing by but didn’t want to bother the conversation!
@Trace_The_Tiger Make it this upcoming weekend! Plano fur Meet would love to have you!
I counted 52 suiters in the photo! Crazy :3
@GayPunkBleater @Umbra_Neko YOU'RE CUTE!
@cyanroll Oh? Hehe
@dogpie22 @Shiny_Kandy @FursuitGlasses *wag*
@FoxInABoxAD This is definitely a priority question.
@FoxInABoxAD Are we sure that they have encountered a breach? CA 1798.82 only covers when data has been inappropriately accessed. AFAIK loss of data is not covered under this, but IANAL and would want council to review.
@taru_draws So excited!!!
@SliptheCabbit I think we have enough fire right now.
@SliptheCabbit Yeah it's definitely on fire again. Didn't we learn to not keep the fuel next to the fire last time?
Doing this during a PR crisis doesn't bode confidence. I am going to be paying close attention to this entire process. If you live in California, you should issue to Corgi a CCPA request for your data, which they are obliged to respond to you on. I wonder if they could respond
And also seems to be running some open source control panel software. It's also interesting because this fur's personal website and the current "look" of Corgi's "Message" match extremely close. It's odd if Corgi was doing everything by the book that they would have to change.
Up until today, all of Corgi's domains were orangeclouded. But as of today, as I started looking into it, its now pointing to a separate web service. I did some digging on this other service and it seems to be ran by another fur (who currently isn't in this drama)
One of the big advantages of Cloudflare is you can mask your backing servers with Cloudflare's IP addresses. This has some unique advantages, including DDoS protection. This process is called by Cloudflare "orangeclouding"
This is how your web browser can figure out how to get to a website. Technical people can use this information to understand how a website is served. Before this event, last year Corgi moved from Google Domains to Cloudflare for its DNS hosting. A fair move that I also did myself
Very interesting set of drama around Corgi Events. What I can say as just a bystander is there is something interesting happening with the web servers that were/are in use. If you're not very technical, its "public knowledge" at some capacity where a website is hosted.
@mark_komodo @FursuitGlasses They’re awesome and have interchangeable lenses.
@SoddersLiger handsome! Y'all can tackle me anytime.
@DogTibbs @SparkleKreation I have all the food and pets for you cutie, c'mere.
@Rj_Weirdo Definitely! Need to figure out some interesting poses for this, but I also have this super cool parking garage next to me that's empty at night.
@KudenSfw I'll need a wheelchair
@KudenSfw I will _break_ my back even more than it is already broken.
@KudenSfw I am not that flexible.
@Rol_The_Spirit ooh yeah - I need to actually finally go by the second hand sports store here and look for props
@mark_komodo I like it!
Woof! Got any photo ideas? I'm wanting to try some stuff out and want to see if y'all have any cool poses or examples you think would be cool to see. Let me know!
@salivuh I wonder if people think that it comes from a magic universe or if they think workers just hook up 2 liters to it.
@DoppioAmore Awww. You’re too nice! And I mean look at the cutie here!
@lardasswolf @luke_spots I love hugs! c'mere! 🤗
@DogTibbs @bearsinith Of course! Always with the good boy
@DogTibbs *boop*
@bearsinith @DogTibbs No crimes only dog. You act like there is enough thinking capacity in that husky brain to do crimes.
@SilverCruxx YAYAYAY! Excited friendo!
@KibaRinWolf Avoid dry socket! It is the worst!
@KibaRinWolf OMG! Get some rest! Hope you feel better after
@XionShep @MadeFurYou @Crunchycurl @SageRetreiver Husky will let you out as long as you follow me~
After discovering that SmugMug's watermarking feature is awful, I'm moving to a different platform. Check out photos here!
@TiggerPup91 @SilverCruxx @merlotcabbit @NeoMalik1 Gorgeous!!! Great work
@mark_komodo @luke_spots Awww come here for a hug! 🤗
@Trey0196 @luke_spots Arf! Thanks!
@BouToon Here and present sir!
@PupBrackets Soft for sure! not super fuzzy but a good pillow ^.^
@PupBrackets I love me some belly rubs!
@RobbieAndCoda Amazing! I love it!
@PuppyRingtail Woohoo! Congratulations on wrestling IoT to work for you!
@RobbieAndCoda @DogTibbs I get what I want! Bwahahahahah
Happy New Year! Hope you get many curls in your 2022!
@gundam00jc I’m the same way! I also just grew up with canon and Nikon , so I had some bias. I understand canons lens system really well
@gundam00jc Sony is also awesome! And used by a lot of video people
@Trey0196 I love this sooooo much. Thanks for sharing
@gundam00jc I would say if you’re landing with a major brand like Canon, Nikon, Sony, or Fujifulm you can’t go wrong. But there is such a thing as Vendor lock-in. Personally I am a fan of Canon’s color science.
@Trey0196 Thanks
@Trey0196 OwO
@ShadowLanius @kovu342 Riiight? Shrike is the expert
@gundam00jc Aww thanks! This is my newest kit! Canon EOS RP Full Frame Mirrorless Body witch Canon RF 35mm 1.8 and a Godox V860II Seedlite with a small soft box from Amazon! Hoping to get some excellent fursuit shots at PDFC! Also I haven’t gone to school for photos, YouTube and practice!
@lardasswolf @CollieEcho *blushes* thank you
@lardasswolf @CollieEcho Aww! I’m glad you enjoyed it! It was unintentional but I’m a big husky
@SpeedyFur @CollieEcho Aww thanks!
@LEEFOXMCCLOUD05 Awww thanks!!!! Making me blushy
@SpeedyFur @CollieEcho Just used the built in Timelapse mode in the camera!
@SpeedyFur @CollieEcho For this I just had my iPhone setup on my tripod!
@gundam00jc Arf! I love hugs!!!
@gundam00jc @CollieEcho Awww thanks!
@RobbieAndCoda @dtmwagtlol @kovu342 Y’all mean.
@Akanatsuki Awww thanks!
@dtmwagtlol @RobbieAndCoda @kovu342 Arwoo?
@DavidZa60864670 Awww thanks! Appreciate it lots
@RobbieAndCoda @dtmwagtlol @kovu342 Trouble is fun!
@Kujotehfloofyw1 Arf! Yes please husky loves treats ^.^
@RobbieAndCoda @dtmwagtlol @kovu342 Next time shep!
@thatsillywolf88 Thank you!!! *hugs*
@dtmwagtlol @kovu342 Are you kidding, it’s guaranteed as we also have a cat in the car.
@dtmwagtlol @kovu342 I uh… fixed it >.<
@kyonfox Thank you!!
@NixThePolarBear Thankssss
@RhoamTD Woof! Yay thank you derg! *hugs*
@JunebugJamboree Bark! Thank you so much!
@TJFoxDubz Thanks TJ!
@Rol_The_Spirit Arf! Appreciate it dutchi
@EWolfdragon Thanks Eragon! Appreciate it
@CapriciouslyAz1 BIRF BORF BARKF
@KryptonSvingar Woooooooof. Thanks derg. No nibbles tho :3
@MarkAninoYoung Thank you!!
@DogTibbs Bark!!! Thanks doggo! See you at PDFC!
@ShadowLanius Thanks cute shrike!
@wuskythehusky Thanks!!
@teenytinylimey Thank you!!! Appreciate it ^.^.
@CooperWolf5 Thanks so much! I appreciate it tons!
@WolfeFort BARK! Hehe
@SmileyRedBurr Woof! Same to you! Thanks!
@Tubbyhusker Arf! Thanks hun!
@wuskythehusky Aww thanks!
@GshepMilo Looking in a mirror?
@polycereal Absolutely!
detect @FurryDetector
@WolfBrightwater I’m glad I met you and can’t wait to spend more time together
Circle 4 Cont @/jonathanvair @/Alysterwolf @/Shadow_stallion @/JangGeoli @/KagenekoArts @/LukaCabbit @/Tubbyhusker @/kingsaniart1 @/Jinxthelynx @/faunafur @/Thunder_aDragon @/XenonNero @/warxwolf303 @/wolffthunder @/AussieW0LF @/Tokano_Oku @/BadgerDungeon
Circle 4 Cont @/charlesthefox0 @/BradHound @/TacticalWolfie @/AesopHusky @/Apo11oPup @/PadHusky @/ferricfox @/AusereiS @/EWolfdragon @/DaimionKaiZafox @/CoopCollie @/XevierGilbert @/Enigmatic_Havoc @/DraxxNCynder @/SukaVulpe @/YojiShib
Circle 4 @/DeluxeCanine @/LucaWuff @/XionShep @/LatteOttHazel @/Kahlu5 @/Kudenafterdark @/SkippyCoyote @/KjisuTheFox @/delta_husky @/FoxiFelix @/FoxyFan13_YT @/bearinbriefs @/Aurora_Collie @/ScottietheFox1 @/ArvinAussie @/BouToon @/KitKat__Katrina
Circle 3 Cont @/Mr_Pity @/LEEFOXMCCLOUD05 @/BlazenTheDragon @/yeenpuppy @/bubtheboar @/AkitaPunk @/Matte_exe @/wuskythehusky @/RoanTiger @/ShadoWarrior128 @/marshymalarts @/AthyLion @/BlueFolf
Circle 3 @/kovu342 @/BigThickShep @/CinderCollie @/FrostyDragon8 @/FlukeHusky @/AtlusGreys @/Onin_but_alt @/kaiihusky @/FantineStudio @/ThresherShork @/TJFoxDubz @/ToruTheBuck @/KenshitheFox @/knoxx1616 @/dtmwagtlol @/SkyePeenut @/KovuTheHusky
Circle 2 Cont @/raphlupus @/Raziihell @/BeldroMercier @/werewolfmateo @/corgi_europa @/DoppioAmore @/SvenFennec @/AndrewFR81 @/CollieEcho
Circle 2 @/Alex_Petor_ @/MarkAninoYoung @/CapriciouslyAz1 @/denton_furmeet @/Rol_The_Spirit @/StratusShepherd @/JTwusky @/LinoYeen @/KendallFireV2 @/ZeppelinCoyote @/HoundHuskio
Circle 1 @KryptonSvingar @SilverCruxx @TaroYggdrasill @ShadowLanius @peaceskyy @RobbieAndCoda @DogTibbs @WolfBrightwater @GshepMilo @/JuliaWinterPaw
@CollieEcho What made you say hi to a husky?
@peaceskyy Definitely !! Missing ya
18. Bestfriends Robert and Bobbie (not furries or on twitter), @kovu342 , @RobbieAndCoda
17. Scars I have a few here and there, the most interesting one though is probably the one on my right index finger.
16. ideal date dinner and a movie!
15. boy croomf @GshepMilo, ezpz
14. girl croomf Uhhhh. I have no idea, probably @peaceskyy
13. cats or dogs. I mean... dogs obviously. But also I am allergic to cats.
12. Phobia Bees. I understand their value but not around me please.
@CapriciouslyAz1 11. favorite store Micro Center!
10. Obsession Recently? Photography ^.^
9. Sexuality Gay and proud of it.
@WolfBrightwater C through EX
8. Relationship status Single at the moment!
7. Crush? @PabstShepherd come here cutie.
6. Do I drink? No this doggo is a good boy. I’ve only had like 5 total drinks in my life.
5. Siblings. 4 older sisters! Youngest is still 18 years older than me.
4. Hair color Salt and pepper, unless I decide to dye it!
3. Eye color Blue! Both for fursona and IRL
2. Height 5’9” everyone else is so tall >.<
1. Nickname Colby Jack… damn you @RobbieAndCoda <3
@corgi_europa @SilverCruxx @RobbieAndCoda @SkyNightFurry1 @CCoyote0 @EWolfdragon Whoops. Sent the wrong link. Check this one instead >.<
@corgi_europa Beautiful suit for an amazing person! ^.^ Thanks for letting me take your photo!
Like my photos! I'm glad! Help me keep it up with a ko-fi!
@HoundHuskio Omg I am glad you’re ok. Focus on the emergency at hand but if you need help I would be glad to do what I can.
@StratusShepherd @TJFoxDubz @lao_mouse @MarkAninoYoung @DogTibbs @LucaWuff Like my photos? I do them for free, but your donations are appreciated as I will use it to buy more equipment to improve the quality. Lenses are expensive T.T
@KryptonSvingar shuuuuush
@SilverCruxx But its a secretttt
@BigThickShep awww thank you 😊
@WolfBrightwater You’re the best femboy hun
@ShadowLanius It’s a secret little birdie
@CapriciouslyAz1 👀
@Rol_The_Spirit But I can’t
There is something I’m excited about but I can’t say anything…
@StratusShepherd @maxxthefoxx BEANS!
RT @knoxx1616: My energy this morning 😭🤬 #MFF2021
@Rol_The_Spirit @EWolfdragon Enjoy the photos? I take them for free but donations are appreciated! Help me buy some equipment by donating to my Ko-Fi or buying a photo print on my site!
@KryptonSvingar @CCoyote0 @kovu342 @TJFoxDubz yesssssssssssssssssss- absolutely!
@KryptonSvingar Canon EOS RP with a new RF50mm f/1.8. Also got the adapter so I can use my EF lenses.
@GshepMilo @gsderp Looks delicious!
@TaroYggdrasill Awww thanks!!!
@JTwusky Hi gay, I'm Dad.
@KendallFireV2 Cuddle it - it's so large an fluffy! Then I would show it off! fuck yeah curltail!
Interesting… huh no loss to me… moving on!
@RobbieAndCoda *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*
@AtlusGreys @CCoyote0 Yesterday!
@KryptonSvingar @CCoyote0 Yeaaaaaaaaaaa they're awesome! It does help that I had such a great subject!
@Onin_but_alt Yay!!! Happy Birthday!
@StratusShepherd Such a cutie!!!!
@peaceskyy Definitely!!! We would love to have you!!
@GshepMilo @DYSONlife4real vanilla is the right choice too. thank you!
Like my photos? Help me keep doing it! I shoot for free for my awesome furiends, but donations help me keep buy more equipment to make them even better!
@KryptonSvingar UNO REVERSE! You’re the cute one
@yeenpuppy Such a cutie! And I would definitely tug!
@JuliaWinterPaw Looking great! I can't wait to get my paws on it.
@ZeppelinCoyote WAIT. There is a Zeppelin Daki!?!? How do I get one >.>
@bubtheboar You look great! Keep it up
@TaroYggdrasill whaaat are you upset at pup? youre in S tier??!?!
Thanks to @kovu342 for the awesome time in studio!
Like this and want to see more? Help me buy more equipment on Ko-Fi!
Had some fun with Fireball in my studio! Want to get your own shots? Contact me!
@kaiihusky @Tr0nchy Yay curl!
RT @kaiihusky: Husky wags! 📹 : @Tr0nchy
@TaroYggdrasill LOOK AT THE CUTIE.
@GshepMilo awwwwwwwwwwww look at the good boys. I just wanna hug em.
Streaming some Slay the Spire! Come join as I fail miserably at this game >.<
@JuliaWinterPaw I wonder what happens if he skips leg day...
@JuliaWinterPaw huffff- question though, is the model getting a buff but no 6-pack option, like a bodybuilder? cause I would use the hell out of that.
@CinderCollie Gladly! Would be even more excited.
Like the photos? I do them for free, but help is appreciated so I can purchase more equipment to take even better photos.
@FrostyDragon8 @DogTibbs Awww be nice to the good boy. If you trick him you owe him extra treats
Had a great time at AFM! Take a look at my photos from the event here: #furry #furries #photography
RT @FantineStudio: ✨9K RAFFLE TIME ✨🌈 Rules to participate: ❤️RT + Follow 🟦Ends in 48H 🏆Winners get's this YCH 🌈✨Good luck everybody ! ✨…
Woo! I managed to get Colby working in face tracking with vSeeFace. It was quite a bit of work but it’s doable! Model by @JuliaWinterPaw
@HoundHuskio cmere
RT @DogTibbs: Not sure if the Doggo caught the mouse or if the mouse caught the Doggo! Happy #FursuitFriday y’all 🐶! 🐶: me 🐭: @lao_mouse…
@DogTibbs @lao_mouse @SparkleKreation LOOK AT THE CUTIES OMGGGGGGGGGG
Streaming some Forza Horizon 5 on Twitch! Come watch
@WolfBrightwater beans!
@AkitaPunk awww who's a good boy *scritches and rubs*
@KendallFireV2 Yup! Definitely. I've even started using it at places like Starbucks and other food places that ask for your name.
RT @jessethehusky: So happy to see you! 🥰
@Matte_exe same- same. It was worth it tho
@JuliaWinterPaw I _need_ this floppy ear. Can't wait for the new model!
@KryptonSvingar colbyhusky is my vrc name!
@DogTibbs So since you don't have a ton of really shiny surfaces it doesn't really matter. I would personally recommend softboxes though, if you are wanting to do full height suit pics and not just the bust, you can better control the spread of light across the entire subject.
Goodnight everyone…
@TaroYggdrasill You must be looking in a mirror!
RT @KoidelCoyote: You walk in to your room and you find a Coyote Plushie laying on your carpet! What would you do next? :3 Happy #Fursuit…
@DogTibbs The answer is of course and get photos
@peaceskyy Can we just go live at a con full time?
@raphlupus @Finix_The_Flynx wow that's dumb, they obviously weren't a match for you. You'll find better!
@wuskythehusky Meep! Thanks so much! Same to you!
@ZeppelinCoyote @kovu342 Nice. Good look
I’m super excited to announce that Colby 2.0/ fullsuit Colby has officially been ordered!
@SilverCruxx This is the exact answer. Everything makes sense now
@peaceskyy Awww thanks! Same back to you. Your reply made my day
@TaroYggdrasill Yeah…
@RobbieAndCoda I’m trying
How do I still feel out of place at a convention…
Pumped for BLFC2021! Going with the tide pod @kovu342 . See you there? #furry #furryfandom #TikTok
@LinoYeen This curl will be there!
@RobbieAndCoda awww darlin let me know if I can help
Well the past 48 hours have been... unexpected. 🤠 I am extremely excited for #BLFC2021
@SilverCruxx Bark!!!!
@RobbieAndCoda Congratulations on being yourself and extra cute while doing it!
@RoanTiger arf arf! nice meeting you cutie!
@ShadowLanius Yes please!
@Raziihell Coming right up cutie! You coming to TX or do I need to go to you? ;)
@BeldroMercier @colby_hooski good boy!
@BeldroMercier @colby_hooski Arf! yes of course! beaver working so hard you need good pets.
@BlazenTheDragon Woof! Would tackle you anytime :3
@ShadowLanius Planning to do more! It's a lot of work though
Check out my first TikTok! #TikTok
@Alex_Petor_ *nuzzles into hand* woof!
@Alex_Petor_ ARF! I am! I am the good boy *wags*
@CapriciouslyAz1 @SaberCundo AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I love me a good jockstrap.
@Alex_Petor_ @SaberCundo OMG PLEASE. I love belly rubs :D
@DrewButHorny Thank you!
@ShadowLanius @colby_hooski @SaberCundo arf arf! Big boi needs big cuddles. Gotta be swole
@AndrewFR81 It's so amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!!!
@Raziihell @ZitoTheHusky Cuties!!!
@peaceskyy Super cute. Twitter is where it's at, hopefully you can grow a nice following here also. Patreon is also awesome for creators.
@sylos30 Awwww! I love it so much!!! It came out amazing!!!! Thank you and I love you infinitely:3
@TaroYggdrasill Ill wrastle you
@Mr_Pity @Kemono_Haru 100% good, but also needy :3 Now get over here big guy and give me a challenge.
@TaroYggdrasill I'll pin you huskita.
@Alex_Petor_ @sylos30 @Kemono_Haru Woofin thanks friendo!
RT @sylos30: This tiger is ready to rule! Art piece for @spaceguybob ❤️ #tiger #bara #furry #furryart #furryartist #FurrFam…
@sylos30 @Kemono_Haru Promise?
@sylos30 @Kemono_Haru Get over here and let me pin you. I’ll show you how good I wrestle
@werewolfmateo @mindmechanica @Kemono_Haru Seems like a weird way to wash clothes, I wanna see you try :3
@ShadowLanius @Rocky_Nyko @Kemono_Haru I’ll help you
@ShadoWarrior128 @TuskmaneBoi @Kemono_Haru Clean up
@werewolfmateo @mindmechanica @Kemono_Haru Well the washer is broken. You’re gonna have to get crafty.
@ShadowLanius @Rocky_Nyko @Kemono_Haru I’ve known! Let me show you.
@peaceskyy Hello friendo- llet's talk full body, I have an idea I wanna test with Colby :)
@marshymalarts HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's an excellent one.
I'm really excited to go visit my boyfriend, but I need to get some extra cash together for the trip. Luckily Himbo Hooters is always hiring and I was able to convince @Mr_Pity to join me. Unfortunately they only had one uniform size... Art by @ElkingArt
RT @sylos30: Commission for a Discord client! Hunky fox coming through! 🦊 #furry #furryart #furryartist #commission #bara #fox #furryfand…
@sylos30 Foxyyyyyy
RT @sylos30: Commission for @WereCmdr! Beefy wolf coming through, he will break hearts 💘💘💘 Thank you for commissioning me! #furryart #fu…
RT @colby_husky: Sometimes I just need to get out for a stroll with @sylos30 to get away from it all. I love holding his hand <3 Art by @…
RT @colby_husky: OMG! IT'S COLBY! My fursuit finally arrived and OMG IT'S PERFECT!!!!! #curllife Thanks to @Shiny_Kandy for making this fo…
@sylos30 @Barrybull21 He’s sooooo thick!!! Such a good job!!!!
RT @colby_husky: OMG LOOK AT THIS! Colby loves listening to music. Thanks to @DRUNKENHOWLER
RT @colby_husky: Colby has a new friend! Nothing in better than a cuddle session :3 thanks to @COBALTCANINE for this awesome piece! https:/…
Everyone needs to see this amazing artist. just WOW!
RT @sylos30: My take on this husky for @colby_husky Hope you like it! (Second image is the reference). #husky #furryart #bara #furryhusky…
RT @colby_husky: OMG ITS AMAZING. He’s adorable ^\\\^ It’s sooooo good.